36 - Lovers?

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Early in the morning when most of the people of the mansion were still asleep except for a couple of maids and butlers, Maverick stepped out of his room planning to have a walk by the beach. It's just something he enjoyed doing after visiting his grandfather's house after such a long time because it clears his mind and it's a great way to start a day.

It's still 4 in the morning so he silently headed to the back exit where the veranda and the patio were, and then finally to the small path leading to the beach. When he was at the last concrete ground, Maverick didn't hesitate to quickly remove his sandals before taking a step into the fine white sand, making him smile in relief at its cold and soothing feeling.

The sun hadn't risen yet and it was still pretty dark out but because the area was a private community where most of the wealthy people in Hawaii lived, the lights from the mansions lining the beachside together with his grandfather's mansion were enough to give visuals on the surroundings. Not to mention that the sky was already slowly turning grey and was just waiting for the sun to rise to beacon the start of the day.

Maverick closed his eyes as he inhaled and savored the cold salty air as it hit his skin. The best thing about picking this time to take a walk was because there was no one around to disturb him. He could be alone with himself and think about his life as a whole. He wasn't lonely in particular but sometimes he does want to be alone and have a peace of mind. And in order to have that, being alone in a relaxing place without any distraction was one way.

Like always, he thought he could achieve the peace of mind he was aiming for again today. Unfortunately, he didn't notice and it was too late for him to realize that he was walking towards two individuals sitting on the sand having their conversation. He didn't expect some people to think the same thing as him. He thought that just like always, it would just be him who will get to enjoy the beautiful sunrise. Alas, he was wrong.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," Maverick squeaked, surprised. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts and didn't notice there were people to where he was heading. Even though there was nothing in particular in his mind, he was absent-minded and wasn't paying attention.

"It's okay." A soft and gentle tone responded and it was until then that Maverick again realized that he was standing in front of Mo Tian Zi and his friend(?), Fyre Long. This is the third time he had met the Omega and until now, he has not exchanged words with him. There was nothing he was against the Omega, it's just that, his relationship with Mo Tian Zi wasn't clear—whether they were lovers or not—he decided to avoid him especially because of that incident where something happened between him and the Alpha.

"Hey, you can join us if you're planning to watch the sunset too?" Maverick was about to head back, not wanting to disturb the two when Fyre Long suddenly called him and offered. And for some reason, he didn't know why he halted his feet and turned around to the two.

"Would that be okay? I don't want to interrupt you two." Maverick said. Honestly, he still didn't want to go back just yet but he was also curious why the Omega suddenly invited him. And the Alpha didn't seem to mind. He had been curious for a while now and he thought this was the perfect opportunity for him to know. Just to satisfy his curiosity and maybe to relieve himself of the burden just because of that one time. Until now, he's still feeling guilty about it. For touching the young Alpha and blaming it on his pheromones.

"Yeah, and you didn't interrupt anything. We would feel bad if you go back from your walk. It's not like we own this place." Fyre replied with a timid and awkward smile. He didn't expect Maverick Sullen, an Alpha(?), would reply to him. This was the first time—well, that is reasonable because this was also the only time where he ever tried to talk to him.

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