31 - Angry Mobs

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A yellow bumblebee BMW sports car parked outside of Fyre's building in the middle of a crowd composed of groups of paparazzi from different entertainment industries. The last time he was at this place was a week ago and although Fyre's house looked like an abandoned building, his front yard was actually clean and the grass was well maintained. However looking at it now, tents, vans, and trash were literally everywhere. It was clear to him that these people must have been camping at the place for the past three days.

Frowning at what he was witnessing, Jonathan couldn't stop the boiling anger simmering inside of him and he was going to make sure that these people would pay for what they were doing. On top of trespassing, this was a form of harassment as well, not to mention littering. These were all criminal acts. Jonathan didn't care if they were only doing their jobs. All these people must be charged for all their crimes. No matter how petty it was.

The people standing outside all looked at Jonathan's car in shock as they immediately prepared their cameras and started taking videos and photographs. Since the car he was driving was quite familiar, everyone immediately assumed that the person inside was none other than Alexander Jonathan Wood. It was the same car he had driven when he arrived at Mo Hanlu and Ian Andrews' wedding 3 days ago! All gasp in surprise and inquiry. Everybody now knows that Fyre Long was quite close to the nobleman as well, and everybody knows that Remi Long, Fyre's older sister, is Alexander Jonathan Wood's girlfriend.

Although everyone knew that Remi Long could have possibly asked her boyfriend to help her little brother, who would accept that? Everyone likes drama, so the simplest and most obvious reason was quickly erased out of the picture. As soon as Jonathan stepped out of his vehicle, people started going crazy with their takes and questions. Some questions were normal and reasonable, but some were quite suggestive as they all tried to get closer to him. If his body hadn't been strong enough, with him being alone, he would have been trampled by now. Thankfully, after his venomous glare, the persistent push towards him eased as he slowly but surely paced towards the front of Fyre's main door.

"Mr. Wood, what is your relationship with Mr. Long, aside from him being your current girlfriend's younger brother?"

"You were reported as being closer to Mr. Long during the wedding ceremony, and even gatherings before that. Is Ms. Long okay with you being friends with her Omega sibling?"

"Mr. Wood, we heard that you are still engaged to Ms. Margarette Silvostri from the House of Silvostri. How does the House of Wood react to you being in a relationship with Ms. Long? Can we expect your relationship with your current girlfriend to be long-lasting?"

"Mr. Wood, what is your comment about Mr. Long and the youngest child of the Mo household? Do they have a relationship? Is that why Mr. Long was chosen to be the maid of honor at the wedding?"

"Mr. Wood, do you think you can tell us whether Mr. Long will be the next in-law to the Mos?"

Jonathan listened to some of the questions and although some of them triggered him, he tried to hold back and chose not to answer until he finally arrived at the door. The paparazzi were still trying to squeeze out answers from him when he suddenly faced them with the same glare he'd had earlier. Everyone went silent thinking he was going to finally answer so, with only the sound of the cameras present, they all waited in anticipation. However, instead of answering the questions, Jonathan breathed a deep sigh and maintained his stoic expression.

"I know all of you are just trying to do your jobs, but what all of you are doing is a form of harassment. You all came here without permission, abused Mr. Long's rights, and on top of that, aside from trespassing on his property, you are also littering. Do you think he would just come out to talk and answer all your questions when you're all doing this against his will?" Jonathan stated with a serious expression that clearly indicated that he was not happy. Upon hearing his words, no one could respond because it was true that they were trespassing and some of them had even harassed Fyre by calling out his name in the middle of the night, throwing empty beer cans at the windows, and even trying to break into his house.

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