14 - Mo Tian Zi: Cute and Innocent?

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Three days had passed since Fyre's heat and his body's condition had improved greatly. He no longer feels sluggish but he still decided to take a little bit more rest ignoring the annoying calls Tian Zi would give to him because every time he remembers that day, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he shamelessly clung to the Young Alpha and relied on him over and over even though he already promised to himself that he would handle himself carefully after that one time.

He could understand why Mo Tian Zi was feeling responsible because it is partly his fault that he ended up staying at his older brother's house but Fyre really didn't want to see him at the moment.

Walking towards his small kitchen, Fyre silently went over his cabinet and chose one of the cup noodles he had stuck up for when he didn't feel like cooking. He opened its seal halfway and poured hot water inside before putting the seal back, waiting for it to cook. He tapped on the kitchen counter bored waiting when his phone started ringing. He initially just peeked on it wondering who was calling him when his sister's caller ID flashed on his phone. He hasn't been able to contact Remi for three whole days now but that was usually normal because they weren't always calling each other to begin with so he wondered why Remi was calling so suddenly.


[Fyre, sorry to call you on this but have you been with Jonathan these past 3 days? I can't seem to contact him. We haven't talked or seen each other, I was just wondering if you've seen him,] Remi said. She sounded hesitant at first but later on expressed her intention in a worried tone.

"What? Three days? The last time I saw him was also three days ago, that day when I visited Mo Hanlu's place with Tian Zi," Fyre replied, frowning.

[Yeah. He hasn't called me since then. I know he's busy with work, I'm just worried. C-Can you ask Mo Tian Zi about it? You're friends with him,] Remi asked. She knew Fyre didn't like Jonathan but she had no one to call. The last thing the Alpha told her was that he was meeting his sister and that was three days ago.

"That bastard's starting to ignore you now?? That fucker is going to get it from me. I'm going to put this call down and try to track him," Fyre roared furiously. He clearly warned the Alpha. Mo Hanlu and Ian Andrew's wedding is in two days and Jonathan was ignoring his sister. Does he want to let Remi know the whole truth about his identity and fiance by looking at the live broadcast on TV? He definitely can't let that happen.

[Fyre, please... Jonathan is a good man. I'm sure he had a good reason. Don't get mad at him,] Remi said, sounding frustrated. They have been in this conversation before so it was starting to get a little frustrating to keep letting the other know what they wanted for each other to understand.

"Whatever Remi. I'm putting this phone down. I'm going to call you when I have news about him," Fyre said, rolling his eyes because if Remi was stubborn when it comes to Jonathan, Fyre was a lot worse especially when he knew the whole truth.

[Just don't get too overboard. I beg you. Anyway, sorry to call you again like this,] Remi said after a sigh of defeat.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll call you back," Fyre said leisurely and soon ended the call and picked his cup noodles. He walked towards his computer and later started tapping on the keyboard with one hand while sipping on his noodle soup. Since he knew Jonathan's number and email, it was easy for him to track who the Alpha was in the last contact with and where he was last at through the GPS connected to his email address. Jonathan is a busy man and Fyre has seen the Alpha check his emails a couple of times a day so as long as his device was active long enough in a certain place, it should reflect on his screen where, when, and what time he was in the place.

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