•1• Jobina

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Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me - God


After being on my face for a few moments I decided to challenge God. He owed me some explanations. There was no way that I would be leaving this backyard without them. Wiping my face roughly, I stood to my feet and spoke from my heart.

"Yo, God! You got some explaining to do man! Tell me why I gave my life to you only for you to take my wife from me? What was the reason, huh? Answer me bruh! I stayed faithful, I kept my faith even when things got worse and worse. I kept my faith and I kept encouraging my wife even when things would get more and more horrible one minute after the other, but now.... now I can't take it no mo'! All my life I been hearing God can heal God can deliver yet we here, foe what though? Riddle me this God, why did you want me to come to you if you only wanted to break a nigga heart, huh? If I wanted to experience heartbreak I could have stayed in the world and you could've left me and my family alone. But now you wanna be silent? I know you hear me mane, ANSWER ME BRUH! If you real you show me or you leave me and my entire family alone!" I yelled.

Suddenly I felt the breath leave my body causing me to start choking and gasping for air. I fell to the ground on my knees as a bolt of thunder struck in the sky.

"G-God, God... I'm sorry!" I gasped, trying to get my breath.

Suddenly it was as if I heard God speak directly to me. It was so clear it was almost as if a person was talking right in front of me.

"Who are you to question me?"

"G-God, I'm sorry man. I ain't mean-"

"You know I'm real, yet you chose to deliberately question everything that I put inside of you."

"I ain't mean to question you. I'm just hurt and I don't understand. I don't understand God. I kept the faith and I did everything that I knew that you wanted me to do. God, please... please help me understand." I cried into the ground.

I was too scared to look up or do anything else so I just laid there with my face in the ground talking to God not knowing what else or how else to do this thing.

Another bolt of thunder exploded in the sky before God spoke again.

"What you fail to realize David is that this was never about her. Karen is healed. She's been healed all along. This is about you. It's always been about you."

I didn't understand what he meant, but I didn't want to keep questioning him because I didn't have much more to say. His presence was so demanding and intimidating yet loving and so pure.

"S-So, what are you saying?" I asked.

"David, stand up and look straightforward."

Listening to God, I stood up and wiped the dirt and tears off my face.

"I want you to go in the house, grab a bottle of bless oil and anoint Karen from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, pray for her wholeheartedly, then read Deuteronomy 8:2"

"But God, I-" I stopped myself realizing that there was really no need to question God again. He knew exactly what he was doing and he said exactly what he meant.

He was God. He created us from the inside out. So, I just swallowed my words and did as God instructed.

"Yes, God." I said, before turning and walking back into my house.

When I went in I saw Jacky and Dorinda downstairs with Twinkie.

"Yo, does anyone have a bottle of bless oil?" I asked.

"I do, here you go. What do you need it for?" Twinkie asked, taking a small bottle of oil out her purse then putting it in my hand.

I didn't answer her. Instead I went back upstairs where Karen was. Seeing her sitting in her wheelchair, I went over to her and opened the bottle of bless oil.

"Dave, what are you doing?" Karen asked, looking at me.

"Being obedient." I said, putting some oil on her head. I then trailed it from her head to her neck, her chest, her hands, her feet, her stomach, and even her shoulders.

Getting down on my knees, I placed my hands on hers as I began praying outloud for her.

"Father God, in the name of Jesus. I come to you once again on behalf of my wife asking that you would heal her body. Lord, for you said that all things were possible if we could just believe. You said that all we needed was faith the size of a mustard seed and right now we're believing you for a miracle, Lord. God you said that healing is the children's bread so I'm asking that you would touch my wife's body from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet." I noticed as I prayed for her that my prayer language changed and a nigga started speaking in tongues for the first time.

Tears came to my eyes and fell down my face as I continued praying for her in my prayer language. I could feel the Holy Spirit moving and working through me as I prayed for my wife. As I reached the end of the prayer I looked up and saw that she had tears down her face. I kissed her as she placed her hand on my face and kissed me back. I pecked her lips a few more times before I stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Aite, ma. My job is done. Now, we finna have faith and watch God work." I said, grabbing her head.

"W-What are you doing?" Karen asked, wiping her face.

"We finna watch you walk." I said straight up.

I could tell by the look on Karen's face that she was nervous, but she also trusted a nigga and more than anything else she trusted God. He was finna make that happen and we was finna experience a miracle right here, right now.

I helped her stand up as she stared me in my eyes. I could tell that her mind was racing a million miles a minute, but we was gon' do it.

"You ready?" I asked. I could see tears in her eyes as she looked at me.

"I'm scared." Karen whispered.

"Don't be fearful. God said we could do all things through him. If he said it then that settles it. We got this in the bag, understand?"

Karen nodded her head yes as she took a deep breath. I stared in her eyes as I walked backwards and held her hands as I watched God move as she took her first steps without a cane or a wheelchair needed. Karen gasped softly as I let her hands go and stood back.

"Aite, I want you to walk to me now." I said, standing back.

Karen released a shaky breath before she began to walk towards me and just like a divine miracle she walked to me with no sign of a limp or a stumble. Almost as if she never had the Parkinson's disease to began with. Karen broke down as she walked up to me. She hugged me as she came into my arms and bawled her eyes out. I kissed her head as tears came to my eyes and I looked up to heaven.

"Thank you God." I said, blowing out a breath and lifting my hand in the air.

"Thank you Lord." Karen cried into my chest.

I brushed her head softly as I kissed her head. I held her hand as I walked over to the side of the bed and grabbed my bible. Remembering what God told me to read, I went to that chapter and verse then read it outloud.

"And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no."

Tears filled my eyes as Karen sat on my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. She turned her face as she cried in my shoulder and I held her. God was truly a man of his word. God had used my wife and given her the Job experience. She'd lost everything she once held value to, but now he'd given it back to her and more. It was as if it never happened.

God was faithful.

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