Couple Date Night •3•

820 43 62

This one will be typed in third person 🌚🤭

Everyone sat around the table in the living room eating and on their phones. All except Karen who for the life of her couldn't understand why everyone chose to be on their phones and not interact with each other when that was the whole purpose of the date night happening in the first place.

"Ummm, hello? Why is everyone on their phones instead of talking to each other?" Karen asked.

"Karen, calm down. It's alright. We see each other enough at home. We're just checking a few messages and making sure everything is okay with the kids." Jacky said.

"No, I will not calm down. Tonight is supposed to be special. We're supposed to embrace our spouses and talk everything relationship wise. How do you expect to have a healthy relationship if you won't talk to your person?"

Silence filled the room as she didn't get a response back making Karen look at Dave who was staring at her seeing what her next move would be.

"Alright, you know what.... that's it. Everyone drop your phones in the bin. Come on, do it now." Karen said, grabbing a basket for everyone to put their phones in.

"Karen, is that really necessary?" Dorinda asked.

"Less talking, more dropping."

Dorinda sighed as she put her phone in the basket. Karen then began going around the whole room to confiscate everyone's phones. Once everyone put their phones in the basket including her and Dave she then gave the basket to Dave who sat it on a high shelf so no one would be able to get to them. After that she smiled feeling as though she'd accomplished a great mission.

"That's better. Now, how has everyone been? Let's not all answer at once but go couple by couple."

Jacky and Jay looked at each other as Jacky began to speak.

"Uh, we've been fine. We've been busy taking care of the kids. Since Angel recently got married she's been watching her little brothers more trying to get prepared for when she has one of her own. As for Jay and I we've been-"

"Horny." Jay said making Jacky look at him.

"Really, babe?" Jacky asked.

"What we ain't had sex since you let me smash during Sunday school and that was three months ago."

Twinkie gasped as Karen and Dorinda looked at Jacky with shocked expressions on their faces.

"You let him do what in the house of the Lord?" Dorinda asked.

"It was a spare of the moment type thing. Trust me, I repented immediately after but it did feel really good and it was so thrilling.... I've never done anything that crazy before." Jacky admitted.

"Girl, you're a good one. I'd be too shamed."

Jay scrunched his face up at Dorinda's words feeling like she was coming for them.

"Just not too shamed to fuck in Mama Montoya's closet, huh?" Jay asked.

Dorinda snapped her head in Jay's direction as she folded her arms.

"How the hell.... no, more like who the hell told you about that?"

"Yo sister's husband." Jay said. Dorinda instantly looked at Dave already knowing that he was the one that told.

"Oh, so we're telling secrets now Mr. I Fuck In My Sister's Kitchen? Nasty ass."

"Aye, calm down with all dat shit." Dave said, fanning her off.

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