Being Black

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Ain't nothing like a good man – Meet The Browns Play

iykyk sksks 💀💀🫶🏾


"Hey, mama. Are you okay?" Kierra asked, walking into the room with me. I looked at her silently for a moment before speaking.

"Yeah, Ki. I'm okay, what's umm... what's going on with you?" I asked.

Kierra stared at me silently for a few moments.

"Something's wrong with you. I can tell." Kierra said. I sighed knowing that my children knew me well.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm fine, see look? Everything is fine." I said, feeling tears come down my face.

"Mom, you're crying.... what is wrong? Is it one of my sisters? Did something happen to one of them?"

I knew that I couldn't tell her about Dave having children on the way so I decided to tell her about Karli instead.

"Karli she's not taking the IBS so well. She keeps having episodes with her stomach and I don't know how to help her. I just feel so helpless...." I sniffled.

"Awww, mom. It's okay. Karli is strong. Is the diet Dr. Vanessa put her on working?"

I shook my head no as I wiped tears from my face.

"It's not, she's still having stomach pains. I'm looking for different remedies that will help her. I'm also going to take her to her gastro doctor first thing in the morning."

"Then she will be alright. I know you hate it when one of us are going through and you can't help us, but it's going to be alright. Don't cry mama." Kierra said, rubbing my back.

I sniffled as I looked at her hand that had a ring on it. I grabbed her hand as I looked at her.

"What's this? Is that an engagement ring?" I asked.

"No, it's a promise ring."

"Did Malaysia give that to you?" I asked.

"Malaysia is gone. She left this morning. She left and she's not coming back. She's leaving the state and is going back to London. That's her home. That's where she belongs. I'm happy for her." Kierra said.

I looked at her suspiciously. Something was going on and she just wasn't telling me.

"Why are you so calm about it? Normally you'd be someone crying sliding down a wall, but this time you're calm as can be? Who you got digging in your front yard?" I asked, arching my eyebrow.

Kierra laughed as she looked at me.

"Mama, what?"

"Who you done had up under you and inside you?" I asked, getting in her face.

"Mama, chill. Please?" Kierra laughed.

"Tell me the truth, who is it? Man or woman?"

"It's just my friend Jordan. It's not a big deal. He gave me this promise ring. We're not dating, we're just friends. Once again we're NOT dating we're just friends." Kierra stated.

I nodded my head not believing her words, but all that mattered was the fact that she was happy. That was all I cared for. Since Malaysia was gone Dave wouldn't have to worry about confronting her about his dream. That was one less thing we had to worry about. Before I could say another word Dorinda and Jacky came through the door with Twinkie behind them.

"Auntie Twinkie, hi! I haven't seen you in forever." Kierra said, hugging her neck.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you?" Twinkie said, hugging Kierra back.

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