•1• New Beginning

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How can you look at me and not see all the things that I kept only just for you? - Beyoncé


Sitting on the couch in my living room, I ate popcorn and drank wine as I watched When A Stranger Calls and curled up on the couch. My sisters had gone home. My triplets were with Kierra and my oldest daughters were busy living their lives which made me both sad but yet comfortable knowing that I didn't have to worry about them anymore. I'd raised them the best that I could and now they had each other. I taught them to stick together and they made me proud everyday.

I shifted adjusting my posture on the couch as a notification came through on my phone from Facebook messenger. Clicking on it, I saw that it was a message from someone that I wasn't friends with which made me furrow my eyebrows. Once I saw that it was Dave I clicked on the message and just stared at it.

Dave Webster: Aye, ma. I ain't a creep or nun so I hope you don't mind me finding you on Facebook and messaging you. But I had a real good time that night we connected and wanna see you again. If you interested slide through my crib today and we can move forward from there. See you soon, fine ass

Fine ass.... I chuckled as I shook my head. Dave always had a way with words but this was new even for him. That let me know furthermore that his brain was damaged because now he was just saying whatever came to mind. I was happy he wanted to see me again. I decided to turn my movie off and get ready to go to his place. If he wanted to see me I wasn't going to deny him of what we both wanted. So, I went upstairs and took a shower then found something cute to wear. After I was done I grabbed my purse and keys then made my way out the door. On the way to Dave's I couldn't help but think about how things were moving quickly between us and how he didn't have his memory back yet. But I knew that I couldn't give up or lose hope. I knew that one day he would eventually get his memory back. I had the Lord on my side, and he favored me. 

Pulling up to his house, I got out seeing two other cars in the driveway along with Dave's. I brushed my hair back before getting out the car. I went up to the door and knocked. There was a moment of me standing there before the door opened and Dave came out. He placed his arm around my waist as he pulled me into him making my lips crash into his. I moaned as my foot went up behind me in a pointed manner. After a moment he let me go and I wiped the corners of my mouth as I looked at him.

"Hi, it's nice to see you again too." I chuckled. "Do you have company over?"

"Yeah, there's two people I want ya to meet. Come with me ma." Dave said, taking my hand.

I followed him into his house as he led me into it closing the door behind us. He led me through the kitchen into the living room where I saw two other women. It was those women that I'd seen him with out in public and on social media. I took my hand from Dave's as I looked from the women to Dave confused.

"Dave... what is this?" I asked.

"Karen, I want ya to meet my two girlfriends Jade and Mileena." Dave said, introducing us.

I scoffed as I looked at him, then folded my arms across my chest.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"What's the problem shorty?" Dave asked.

"wHaT's tHe pRoBlEm sHoRtY?" I mocked. "Dave, you just had your tongue down my throat a second ago, yet you have two females sitting on the couch right now? Why did you text me and ask me to come over here? What was the reason because I'm really not seeing one."

"I called you over here to ask you if you would be the third piece to a nigga puzzle?" Dave said.

I looked at the women on the couch before scoffing again as I turned to leave Dave grabbed me by my waist.

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