Have My Back

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Edited, enjoy 💜


"Bruh, what the entire fuck are you doing at my house Larissa, bruh?" Dave growled, flaring his nostrils.

The girl looked at Dave confused as she scrunched up her face.

"Larissa? Who is that?"

"You hoe! Don't try to fucking play me!" Dave yelled.

I looked at Dave as I held my daughters back and put my hand on his chest.

"Babe, calm down. I'm confused myself because who is Larissa?" I asked.

Dave looked at me as he rubbed the side of his temple.

"Larissa is the hoe that tried to kill a nigga over twenty years ago. She drugged me, she raped me, and only God knows what other sick shit she pulled in that room. That's who Larissa is."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who Larissa is. My name is Nicole Garnett. I'm the teacher that was hired to teach your children. I got your message yesterday that said you wanted to reschedule but I was trying to see if we could go ahead and do it today but at a different location because I have other students that I teach as well. It's a tight schedule and it's last minute. I also have to pick up my daughter from daycare." Nicole explained.

"Mane, fuck no. Hell nah. I ain't letting yo ass teach my fucking kids. Go back to hell where you came from." Dave spat.

"David, stop it. You're scaring our children."

I looked down at our triplets who were holding on to me tightly with scared looks on their faces.

"This is not the place or the time. Maybe we can go somewhere and sit down to discuss business, Nicole." I said.

"Ma, I swear to God.... don't let that hoe around my kids. I'm not playing with her or you." Dave said sternly.

Nicole looked at me a little concerned by Dave's outburst and rude allegations. Dave held up his phone and snapped a picture of the woman making me look at him.

"Dave, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting evidence and sending it to Smoke. I know my ass not crazy and I ain't high. That's Larissa ass and my partna gon' back a nigga up."

"Umm, I don't understand what's going on. Did I do something wrong?" Nicole asked.

I sighed as I looked at her and held my babies closer who were practically holding on to me for dear life.

"Can you please just give me some time? I'm not sure what's going on either, but just let me get to the bottom of this. I'll call you, okay?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." Nicole said, nodding her head quickly.

She took a moment as she looked down at my girls.

"Wow, they are so pretty. Hopefully I get to teach them. Hi, pretty girls."

"H-Hi." Karli said, holding on to my hand.

"Man, get the fuck away from them. Get the fuck outta here!" Dave yelled.

Nicole quickly ran to her car and drove off making me look at Dave who was beyond pissed off.

"Are you happy? You scared the teacher away."

"Ecstaticed, now get in the car so we can bounce our asses outta this place." Dave said, going to the car with the bags.

I put our daughters in the car and made sure they were buckled down before getting in the car. I put my seatbelt on and stared out the window. Since we'd be staying at an Airbnb, I knew that I had to deal with his anger because on the way there I felt him staring a hole in the side of my face every time he looked at me. I brushed it off as we pulled up to get something to eat at Arby's.

Her Memories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora