Shocking Truth

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God is in control


Getting Karen to the hospital, I carried her inside in my arms and I didn't even have to alert a doctor because as soon as the nurses saw me and saw what state Karen was in while in my arms they took her from me and put her on a gurney then wheeled her to the back of the hospital while alerting a doctor. Looking down, I saw that Karen's blood was all over me. I sat down in a chair as I put my head in my hands and took a deep breath. Jewel reminded me when I was in trouble all I had to do was call on the name of the Lord and he would be right here with me.

"Lord, I came to you to fix my life and now we here. I'm not finna blame you cause I know everything happen for a reason. I'm coming to you on behalf of my wife. A nigga know something wrong with her and these doctors are a bunch of quacks that don't know nothing. God, please give someone the wisdom and the knowledge to find out what's going on with me wife. You are the only one that can see on the inside of us as well as the out because you made us and you know everything about us. So, God I guess what I'm truly trying to say is that I.... I need you. Lord, please help us. We need you. We need you God." I sniffled, feeling tears come to my eyes.

I sat up seeing Kierra be the first to come in with tears down her face and Karen's blood all over her. I stood up as she walked over to me. I hugged her as she cried in my arms. There was always something traumatic going on with the Webster's, but God always brought us out. This time would be no different.

"Thank you for finding her, Ki. Had you found her a moment later Ion think we would be here right now. She gon' be aite. A nigga got faith." I sniffled.

"I don't understand what could be wrong with her, but I just have this bad feeling Dave. Something in my spirit is telling me that this is just the calm before the storm. It's going to get much worse. I'm praying that whatever this is that I'm feeling is wrong, but when the Holy Spirit speaks I have to listen, because he is never wrong. We just have to brace ourselves." Kierra said, wiping tears from her face.

I closed my eyes hoping that what she'd just said was wrong, but I couldn't lie and act like I ain't have the same bad gut feeling as her. I knew that whatever Karen was facing was much bigger than what we were seeing on the surface. There was a bigger picture here. Something was happening and God was trying to make a statement. He was trying to make an example I just hate that it had to be with my baby.

Kierra and I broke apart as Dorinda came in with Smoke and Jacky behind her dragging Kai by his ear towards me and Jay with her.

"Here, Dave. I'm handing this heathen over to you. If you don't get to the bottom of what happened to my sister there will be bigger consequences to pay. I need the truth and not a moment sooner." Jacky said, practically slinging Kai against me.

I jacked him up by his shirt before looking at Kierra.

"Ki, do me a favor and comfort yo little sisters for me. I need to go handle this right quick. Sisters let me know if the doctor come out and call for the Webster family. Ima have my phone on. Gunna and Smoke ya'll coming with me." I said, giving out orders.

Everyone went their respective ways as I saw J Drew coming in I told him to follow me and the homies. We was gon' get some answers out this fool if it was the last thing we did. We took Kai outside around the back of the hospital. I threw him to Smoke and let him and Jay rough him up a little bit as I rubbed my hands down my face. J Drew looked at me seeing that I was in distress.

"What you need from me bruh?" J Drew asked.

"I need you to mediate. I can't do it cause I got a temper and God working on me. Jay and Smoke just like me. When it comes to yo moms the temper comes out. So, you the one that can use yo senses to get this truth out, aite?"

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