Not My Wife

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Putting the triplets to sleep, I put them in their beds then closed the door behind them before seeing Kendasha standing in the room that I rarely went in. It contained pictures, posters, and memories of Karen and I all over the walls and room while we were dating and when we got married. I closed the door as I looked at her. She sighed as tears came to my eyes. She looked at me then looked away as she tried her best to hide her tears.

"You know that I love yo moms right?" I asked.

"Do you? I mean because mama has been through a lot and for you to treat her like that is just.... it's dumb." Kendasha sniffled.

I sighed as I looked at her.

"I do, very much. Ya moms is my first love. The first woman I ever truly fell in love with and meant it. No one could ever take her place cause she'll always have a place in a nigga heart. You never really forget your first love. She's my first in a lot of things. The first woman I loved, the first woman to make me not just a daddy but a father, and the first woman to have a nigga last name. She special to me in every kind of way. Just like she's my first you're my first child. You and I share a special connection Ken-Dada. No one will ever change that. So, please don't be mad at a nigga cause I fuck up and I'm human just like the rest. I make mistakes and I'm not perfect. Forgive ya pops, please?"

Kendasha sniffled as she looked at me.

"I forgive you daddy, but you can't treat mama like that. You and mommy have always been my relationship goals. You two have that special hood kind of love that I've always wanted. You're not perfect, no. Neither of you are. But you love each other through the good, bad, imperfections, and all your mess ups. So, to see you treat her like that did hurt me because it's not what I'm used to. Wouldn't you be devastated if mama found someone new to love?"

"A nigga would be jealous, no doubt..... but here's the thing Ken-Dada ya mama love me to the point that I don't think she'd ever want to find someone else to replace me. We're attached to one another, and we're connected for life." I said.

"Do you love her the same way? Would you ever find someone else to replace her knowing how much she loves you and how much she would never be able to truly live without you? Would you allow someone to really take her place knowing everything you two have been through?" Kendasha asked.

Hearing her questions, I rubbed my chin as I thought about it.

"I thought I never would, but then life happened. I'm not blaming ya moms for leaving especially because now I know the reason why she did and it makes sense, but I really wish she wouldn't have because if she hadn't I don't think I'd ever have these feelings for-"

"Colleen? You have feelings for Colleen, daddy?" Kendasha asked, cutting me off.

"I do, and I'm sorry Ken-Dada. It just kind of happened over time. Sometimes when you're in a difficult spot and you have someone there to console you feelings tend to get involved and that's what happened." I explained.

Kendasha looked at me quietly as she folded her arms.

"Daddy did you act on those feelings with Colleen? Did you have sex with her?"

"I-" Before I could answer her I heard commotion downstairs.

Kenny and I looked at each other before going downstairs to see what was happening. Seeing Colleen standing in a circle surrounded by Twinkie, Dorinda, Jacky, and Karen I made my way over to them as Kendasha stood back.

"Aye, what the fuck is going on down here?" I asked, walking over to them.

"Dave, I felt really bad about you not being able to attend dinner so I decided to bring it to you only to be bombarded by this woman. Who is she? She looks like the rest of them...." Colleen trailed.

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