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Delilah aka devil in prada – Will Claye


Walking through the house, I went into the living room where I found Khari and Kiyomi with the triplets and King. Kiyomi stood up with this concerned look on her face as I stood by the wall and leaned my head against it.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mama? What happened?" Khari asked.

"Nothing that can't be handled. Yomi, come here. I need to talk to ya for a minute." I said, walking outside onto the patio deck. Kiyomi followed me out onto the deck a moment later.

By the look on my face she could tell that something was wrong.

"Dad, what is it? What happened?" Kiyomi asked.

"Yomi, Ima need you to do your best PI work to the best of your ability and I need the results back in less than an hour. Can you do that for me?" I asked, looking her right in the eyes.

"Okay... but for who? Who am I digging on?"

I sighed knowing that I would have to tell her the truth so I just went for it.

"It's involving your mama babygirl. Some woman sent her goons to beat your mother half to death today and that's the reason she's in the hospital."

Kiyomi looked at me speechless as tears filled her eyes.

"Do you ummm.... do you know anymore information I could use?" Kiyomi asked, wiping tears that fell from her eyes.

"The woman called me from this private number." I said, taking my phone out and giving her the number.

Kiyomi took down the number before looking back at me. I could see the fire in her eyes and her temper boiling over.

"I'll have it in 20 minutes, and whoever did this better pray to God that I don't get my hands on them, because if I do they're going to wish that it was them who was lying in that hospital bed and not mom."

"Yomi, don't do anything crazy."

"Daddy, she had mama beaten. Are you serious-" I cut her off quickly.

"I will take care of it, but I need you to be on your best behavior. Believe me when I say yo pops gon' handle this shit. I just need the name. You too pretty for jail." I said.

Kiyomi rolled her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't give a damn about prison I will happily go to jail singing a negro spiritual knowing I split that bitch skull open. I don't play about my mama and you know that. When you cross her you cross me, period."

"Yomi, listen to yo pops.... aite? I got this shit. Ian gon' let her get away with this. I just need you to do your best work and get this handled for me, can you do that?" I asked.

"Fine, dad. I can do that. I'll be right back. I need my computer." Kiyomi said, walking back into the house.

Sighing, I continued to stand on the balcony as I looked up towards the sky. I took a few deep breaths before answering my phone that starting ringing. Seeing that it was Smoke I picked it up.

"Ayo, nigga. Long time no hear. Where you been at?" Smoke asked.

"I could ask you the same thing nigga. Life been kicking my ass."

"Yo, what's wrong witchu? You sound like ya puppy done got stolen or some shit." Smoke said.

I sighed knowing that he was gon' find out whether I told him or not, but before I could the other line beeped signaling that I had another call coming through. So, I clicked over seeing Jay number. I decided to merge the call into a three-way so we could all talk.

"Bruh, what the fuck going on? Jacky just told me that Karen in the hospital beaten the fuck up. She barely look recognizable the fuck going on?" Jay asked.

Before I could answer Smoke did.

"Nigga, what the fuck? Is that why you sad nigga? Who the fuck did this shit?" Smoke asked.

"It was a woman, but I just don't know who. She said that I slept with her and she was angry about the fact that I was with K and not her. She said that she wanted to teach her a lesson to not mess with what was hers. She also said that this was a warning and next time would be the finale. I don't know who it is, but I got Yomi on the case. She working right now as we speak."

Smoke smacked his lips.

"Bruh, how the fuck you don't know who it is? You don't sleep with many bitches or none for that matter, and the ones you did sleep with got babies on the way. You are not that damn slow. Put two and two together. It had to have been one of them hoes who did this shit."

"You don't remember they names or nothing?" Jay asked.

"No, I don't remember names, but I do remember faces so if I saw one of them again it would probably trigger one of my memories about them." I said.

"Then you need to go find them hoes and one by one beat they ass. I don't condone it, but they need to be put in their places."

I knew that he was right, but I wasn't a woman beater. Words could do a lot more damage than the actual physical.  Before the conversation could proceed Kiyomi came back outside with me with a laptop in her hand. The look on her face told me that she'd found something.

"Whatchu got Yomi?"

"The prime suspect behind mama's incident. Look at this bitch, daddy." Kiyomi said, showing me the laptop.

When I saw who it was my blood got heated. I couldn't believe that this was the woman behind my wife's near death experience. She didn't take me for the crazy type.

"She graduated magna cum laude, she's friends with the mayor's wife, and she went to Harvard university with bachelor four degrees guess what her major was?" Kiyomi asked.

"What Yomi?"

"Criminology." Kiyomi said.

I smacked my head with my hand as I sighed loudly. No wonder this hoe was a fucking psycho. She knew her way around some shit.So, even if she were to face charges she could get out of the system.

"Damn, so how we gon' tackle this? Because I could always go different routes but I don't wanna end up in nobody jail."

"Well, since you won't let me beat her ass I have her address right here. you could maybe do a pop up and go talk to her. Get her to understand that what she shitty and if that doesn't work then you can let me beat her ass." Kiyomi said.

"Nah, I got this one. Yomi send all her information to my phone and Ima handle it from there." I said, putting my phone in my pocket & grabbing my keys.

"Avenge my mother, dad."

"She will be." I said, walking back into the house.

As I left out the door to get to my car I knew that I had to get justice for my wife. Even if it wasn't what anyone else thought was the acceptable punishment Karen would get her lick back.

It was time to handle shit.

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