•1• First 48 Hours

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How could the one I gave my heart to break this heart of mine — Aaliyah


I was rushed through the doors of the hospital and immediately rushed to the back and put into surgery. I heard Jacky screaming at the doctors to watch for my blood pressure which was dropping too low. I don't know why but before they put my into the surgery a nurse did an ultrasound on me which shocked everyone including me. I was in and out of consciousness but I was conscious enough to hear them say that I was pregnant.

"She's pregnant, oh my God." The nurse said panicking.

"That won't matter we still have to cut her open if we don't her nor the baby won't make it." The surgeon said.

The surgeon instantly got into preparation for the surgery as I blacked out again. This time when I went out I stayed out. I floated out of my body as I looked down at all the chaos that was going on. I saw the surgeon cut me open and take out a tiny life. That baby was so small you could hold it in one hand. Tears came to my eyes as he handed the baby off to a nurse and continued working on me. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Karen, do you want to tell me why you up here?" I heard a male voice say.

Turning around, I saw my oldest brother Leo bringing tears to my eyes. He'd passed away fifteen years ago and I couldn't believe that he was standing right in front of me.

"L-Leo?" I asked, breaking down.

"Come give me a hug." Leo said, opening his arms.

I practically ran into his arms as he wrapped them around me and held me tight. He held me for a few moments as he tried his best to comfort me.

"Leo, this is so horrible. Am I dying? What's happening to me?" I asked.

"No, little sister. You're not dying but your appendix did burst. You put too much stress on your body and it gave out on you. Stress is a deadly thing and can kill. Thankfully you had the sisters there to get you here to the hospital as soon as possible." Leo said.

"My baby.... Leo. I don't care about myself can my baby please live?"

Leo held me as he rocked me back and forth.

"Oh, hush. You're both going to make it, but I can tell you right now it's going to be a fight. For you it'll be easier, but for your son he'll have to fight to live." Leo said.

"Son? It's a boy?" I asked, tearing up.

"Yes, it's a boy. God heard your prayers and your cries Karen and he's honoring your request."

Looking down at everything that was going on, I cried in my hands as I looked at my son in the NICU. He was so tiny that it made my heart ache. Leo put his hand on my back as he stood behind me and watched me sob at the scene that I was witnessing down on earth.

"He was only two months old. You had a micro preemie which it's by the grace of God that he is still here. The next 24 to 48 hours are critical so you're going to need all prayer warriors on standby to bombard heaven on his behalf because he's going to need everything he can get."

"I-I don't get this though like why? Why did he have to come so early? I didn't even know that I was pregnant I was drinking and I could have killed hm. You're not supposed to drink during a pregnancy. It's harmful to a baby and I did just that. Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Karen, you didn't know that you were pregnant. You can't blame yourself for something that you didn't know. I want you to know two things because I'm running out of time and I'm going to have to send you back to your body." Leo said.

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