•3• Damaged Goods

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We don't have to lose each other, we could still be friends if you want it Teyana Taylor


I sat in the kitchen at the lanai drinking my wine and being deep in thought. I knew that I'd just made an irrational decision to kill Dave's sister out of anger and hurt, but to be honest the bitch had it coming. She'd completely ruined my life, she ruined Dave's life, and now she was the reason that our triplets were growing up in dysfunction. I heard someone come into the kitchen as I kept my head down. As i looked up I saw that it was Twinkie. She sat down beside me as she looked at me. 

"So, what this I hear about a girl named Arya? Who is she?" Twinkie asked. 

I sighed knowing that this question would come sooner or later from one of my sisters. I was just glad that it was from her and that I didn't have to explain myself to the other two. 

"She's just someone that I met at Moe's. I mean I wasn't expecting to meet anyone, but I was crying over Dave and she saw me and came over and let me vent to her. She was being really nice especially for me to be someone that she didn't know. I talked to her for hours and with every passing moment I felt better." 

"Are you thinking about being with her, Karen? You can be honest with me. You know that I won't judge you. I never have and I never will." Twinkie said. 

"Honestly? I don't know. She's really different. I think I was attracted to her out of my vulnerability. I'm in a extremely fragile state right now with my heart and with my emotions. It's just a lot going on, and what makes it so worse is that no matter how many times I say that I want to move on from Dave I just can't. No matter how hard I try not to I love that man with every fiber of my being. He just makes me so damn mad sometimes and I just... ugh. I don't know. I told him that I hated him out of anger, but the truth is that I don't. I love him and I don't think I'll ever stop." I admitted. 

Twinkie nodded her head in understanding. 

"When you met Arya what were you crying about? What did Dave do that made you so upset?" 

"He posted-" I stopped myself realizing that I hadn't told her or any of my sisters about Dave expecting three more children with three different women. 

"He posted what?' Twinkie asked.

Sighing, I sat my wineglass down as I turned to look at Twinkie. I took a deep breath as I looked at her. 

"Twink, if I tell you this promise that you won't say anything to Dorinda and Jacky? I know that you won't but still... please?" I begged. 

"I promise, now what is it?" Twinkie asked. 

"Okay, so the reason why I was going so crazy over Dave and acting all irrational is because he was involved with two other women which you all know about, but what you don't know is that he got those women pregnant and also the woman that he had a one night stand with the night that I suffered a miscarriage is expecting as well and it's his. Please, don't say anything to the sisters? It's not that I don't want his secrets to be uncovered, but its just that Dorinda already hates him and Jacky isn't too fond of him right now... I don't want to add anymore fuel to the fire. So, please can you keep this between us?" 

"Of course, it's not my place to say anything about what Dave has going on. If you want to tell them then you will tell them on your own timing and on your own terms. Your secret is safe with me as always you know that." Twinkie said. 

I sighed in relief as I sat there that was until I heard a glass shatter. Turning around, Twinkie and I saw Dorinda standing there with this pissed off look on her face. Jacky also stood a few feet from her.

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