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The dining room was bigger than the entirely of Wool's first floor

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The dining room was bigger than the entirely of Wool's first floor.

Laid out on a big dining table were a number of dishes, meats and vegetables, and two empty dishes for Ivory and him. She motioned for Tom to take a seat beside her, and he did, his appetite growing just from gazing at the array of food.

"You don't stay here?" He asked her as he served himself a cut of lamb.

Ivory looked at him, confused, while she took a bite of steak. Rare.

"You mentioned that you stayed at a separate manor. Was it when you were at Beuxbatons?"

"Oh, that" she nodded slightly, "Yes, I stayed at one much closer to the school. I hate it here."

"Why's that?" Tom prodded again. He wasn't going to let the topic die down and deep inside, she knew it. Tom Riddle was twice as persistent as he was handsome. He glanced at her and saw her slightly stiffen at the question.

She looked at him, glared for a moment, before taking another harsh bite of steak off her fork. The sound of teeth grinding against the metal cutlery almost made Tom cringe.

"You're rather nosy today, Riddle. Getting comfortable enough around me?"

Tom took a bite of his lamb. "I have no problems with speaking my mind, Lavigne. Neither should you."

The two both realized that they referred to each other when the conversation turns icily serious.

"Well I'm quite fond of my privacy, thank you very much."

Only the sound of silverware against the ceramic plate served as their ambiance, the fireplace too far and too quiet to be heard from where they were sitting. Tom stopped asking and Ivory stopped answering, both now only focused on filling their stomach. For a while, they had only sat wordlessly together. Until Ivory called for Correy.

"Bring us a bottle of Vindeurelle, 1899 please." She ordered, pushing her empty plate away.

The house elf nodded and disappeared and came back after just seconds, with what looks to be a bottle of wine in hand.

"Care for a vintage, Tom?" Ivory asked as she poured herself a glass full.

Tom raised a brow at her and offered her his own glass. "Still quite early for alcohol, isn't it?"

"Yet still, you accept." Ivory replied, smirking at him. She poured out the deep red wine half-full and pushed his glass back. The smirk didn't falter as she took a sip before answering.

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