Not Your Dog

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Dream POV

I can't help it, but have my eyes glued to George.

I can't stop admiring him, looking at him and thinking: Wow, that's one amazingly beautiful human. There's just something so attractive about him and it has come stronger to my senses, making it harder to ignore it at this point.

George currently being the one who leads me by holding my hand, I look down to them and caress his soft, pale skin with my thumb.

I also keep thinking back to George's words and the surprise and relief I felt all at once in that very moment. It was unexpected. It was unpredictable the least to say. I either expected him to not say anything and just continue to argue, or get the rejection I thought was very possible after that... that man did such thing to him. I don't know why I was thinking like that, it doesn't make sense now that I realize it.

But, I'm glad things have turned out like this, I'm overly happy to the point my tail doesn't stop wagging. Even George had pointed it out, smiling and laughing.

Now, George's voice snaps me out of my thoughts: "You will have to spend the next few days with the hybrids, so I'm afraid your alone time is over now. Unless that's how you want it?" he looks up at me.

"Ehh... I actually was never a fan of being alone, but it also depends on who I'm with. So, not sure."

"Have you even seen the other cells though? They're very different in comparism to yours."

I have. The day I had escaped an experiment room, the day I met new hybrids. I still remember Tubbo very well. And... that annoying raccoon that isn't even worth remembering its name of.

"I don't think I have" I lied. Sapnap was still with us, listening to our conversation.

"Well, I can tell you, it isn't nice. So, don't get your hopes high, trust me." he sort of warned me.

I have to agree with George on that one, these cells are horrible. They're small, barely any room to even have one single jump to one wall to another, blood is everywhere, and, don't get me started on the annoying, shrill screams of some of the hybrids that are in actual pain. And I have to now... live through that for how many days?

I sigh, the tail wagging losing its life.

"But hey, at least you've finally got some company instead of being isolated all day." Sapnap said "And I've been wondering Dream, can you understand their languages?"

"Actually, I do! It's similar as to how humans speak, each having their own accents. George for example has a funnier one than... uhm... you."

"Hey!" George sounded offended.

I giggled "What? It's true though"

"Finally someone who gets it" Sapnap says confidently with few chuckles following. "George is british which makes his accent fucking gross"

George rolls his eyes "And you being texan doesn't make you any better, shut up. You sound even dumber."

I was confused about all those new words, but the interaction was entertaining.

But, I couldn't pay attention for much longer when a foul, familiar smell fills my nose.

We take a turn to the left, then forward again. And, there I was met with many of the cells full of feral hybrids yet again.

"Anyways, here we are. The cell isn't too far away." I felt George hold my hand a little tighter now.

The hybrids seem to have recognized my strange scent again, as some started to either bark, screech or hiss at me while others were genuinely exhausted, lying numb on the floor and not having the strength to care.

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