It Was Spreading

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Dream POV

Nothing is happening.

As soon as I thought that, I heard Sapnap say the same. "Nothing is happening, it's been over 10 minutes for sure. Maybe it has no effect on him?"

Oh, how nice. Finally not naming me an 'it'. But, no, this wasn't important. Not now at least. Because even I started to speculate on why nothing was happening because I'm starting to get pretty bored. Just being stared at like an animal in a zoo.

"Honestly.. I don't know." George had his arms crossed. "Maybe something is happening internally and he doesn't seem to notice. Maybe he tolerates it to the point he doesn't even notice it?"

I shook my head roughly to shake off unwanted feelings like tension, and the bandage was holding surprisingly well on my head. Then I decided to return to the smaller, human-like form. Now the bandage was loose. But, I just tightened the knot, that's it.

I saw a smile appear on George's face and I couldn't help but smile a little as well.

Then, I felt a strong stinging directly in the middle of my chest. I put my hand on there and frowned from the sudden pain. It's almost as if someone had stabbed me from the back or something. From that intense pain there, it was harder to breathe.

"Uhm, Sapnap?" George nudged his shoulder, then pointing at me. Both started to watch me with full attention now.

Okay, I'm starting to get a little anxious from what's happening to me. This is very unusual pain. Now, my head starts hurting very badly. It's as if someone had banged my head against the wall more than 10 times at least. Why is the pain so suddenly intense?

I covered my face because my eyes felt sensitive to all the bright lights above me, worsening the headache. Or migraine? Or something else? Okay, this is getting very unbearable very quickly.

I kept my eyes tightly shut and my face covered, but I gripped onto my hair as well. "George??" I helplessly called out in confusion, feeling so lost with so much pain in my body everywhere.

I attempted to stand up, but failed and fell on my knees, leaning down with my head to the floor. That wasn't doing anything better, but I didn't know what to do. This pain was literally killing me. I felt strong pulsating in my ears.

"George, please!" I yelled out again in hopes of someone being able to do something about this because he seems to be fixing everything all the time, and I feel like he can fix this too. Somehow. Hopefully.

Even though the yelling was hurting my head more, I had no other idea of what to do. I just vulnerably lied there, breathing heavily because the pain in my chest did indeed not leave. The pain, it was spreading in me.

It was going along my spine, almost making it impossible for me to move now. Was my body being put into a state of shock? Paralization?

"IT HURTS!" I was making myself smaller and smaller, as my hands reach my back. I dig my claws into my shoulders without even feeling that, because my entire back was numb with the different, stinging pain already.

I didn't know what was happening to me, but me being unable to do something about it was scaring me to death. I literally felt like dying. I was getting dizzy, the world spins around me. I couldn't even keep the balance upright even though I was just on my knees.

I let myself drop to the side as I curl into a ball with my back still so weirdly stiffened and hiding my face from the bright lights.

When will this stop? I can't take this any longer. I've experienced so much pain in my life already, but nothing can beat this now.

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