A God Damn Muzzle

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George POV

9th November 20XX

Yesterday wasn't that much of a great day. Dream, this new wolf hybrid almost sliced me up into pieces yesterday. Today I'm already recovering. Dream had bitten my arm and scratched me few times, but it's fine I suppose. If I remain angry at him, it won't make anything better, so I might as well just let it go.
I don't know what went through his mind that made him think attempting to kill me was a good idea. Maybe it was that dumb muzzle again? He definitely has something against it. But I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.
I never had this kind of incident happen to me before, where during the easiest test, which was just measuring the brain waves, I'd get dangerously hurt. I'm lucky he hasn't bitten my arm off entirely. Not sure what those teeth can do, if not more.

What also sat in my mind this whole time while recovering in my room: What did they do to Dream after I was taken to safety? Even if he did all those things to me, I can't help but worry to death. I haven't left my room ever since the incident in the morning, so I don't know. I'm scared that they might've put him down. . . And I think I'll go and check up on Dream now because I feel well enough and have nothing better to do.

I threw the diary aside on bed and checked my bandaged arm one more time, making sure nothing was bleeding or bruising. I'm being careful. But since everything was clean, I immediately made my way to Dream just how I had promised in my diary. And hopefully no one will spot me and direct me to an experiment. Like, just, give me a mental break!


When I arrived to Dream's cell, I felt my heartbeat go stronger at the sight of him. Was it fear, alert for danger or happy to see him again?

Dream seemed to notice me almost immediately because he was already looking my direction before I saw him. He jumped up from the floor and ran towards the glass "George!" he smiled at me and I spotted the excited tail wag behind him.

But that's also when I realize he wears a little muzzle for his human face. Dream's excitement for seeing me made me smile a little nontheless. It's adorable.

"Hi" I simply said for the beginning. "Remember what happened yesterday?" I raised a brow at him and tapped my arm a few times.

Dream's tail stopped wagging and I was met with seeing him incredibly guilty. It was all in the eyes. "I'm so so sorry! I swear! I don't know what went through me! This is not fair because now I've been punished with a god damn muzzle," he grabbed it "and have to wear it the whole time. They didn't say for how much longer, but they also threatened me with worse punishments if I remove it from me. They come at the most unexpected times to check up on me" he kept on rambling non stop which really showed the frustration in him.

"Yeah, we uhm.. do that kind of stuff here. Punishments, all the time because the hybrids are all feral and wild, always try to hurt us when we work on them. That's why we were so hesitant with you on the first day. Sapnap doesn't have a good relationship with hybrids because the worst things happen to him almost all the time." I explained to him. And I did indeed sound a little embarrassed.

"But you weren't hesitant, why?" Dream pointed out.

"Because I manage to see good in all those creatures. And you the most. Probably because of your appearance though"

Dream nodded and looked to the side, hugging himself then.

"But, I also see that you're doing well with the muzzle!" I tried to be optimistic.

"George, because I'm scared!" he looked me deep in the eyes.

Nevermind, I didn't think that through. Of course he will feel scared of consequences if he'll take it off, so there is no other way, other than just letting the time pass and behave.

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