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George POV

I was waiting around the corner, watching Dream and the hybrid.

When it had grabbed Dream by the head, holding him to the floor, I ran away.

I had to get help instead of standing around and watch because I've now located the beast. I have to find Quackity, he's the only one who owns a gun.

Actually, those are Schlatt's guns. I believe he has quite many in his office that he shares with Quackity. I won't even waste searching for him then, so I'm running as fast as I could to their office.


I aggressively try turning the knob in a hurry, but the door is locked. "OPEN THE DOOR!" I start hitting the door with my fists desperately, in hopes of someone being inside.

I give up on that and instead ram my shoulder into the wooden door. It didn't do anything. I ram my shoulder in again with a little bit of a sprint for extra force, and nothing happens yet again.

I start feeling like as if someone is searching for me with how I try to break the door open in hurry in order to hide.

And still, the door isn't opening, I'm feeling my adrenaline and panic rise.

I take out a key card out of my pocket and try to unlock the door by breaking the lock on the side, and that will take some time.

Once I got the card between the door and the doorframe, I started to move the card up and down while continuously pushing it in.

When I thought I had it in, just by the gut feeling, I started stepping back a little and with a run ramming into the door with my shoulder.

The lock broke, the door flew open and the ruined card fell to the ground.

I spot Schlatt lying on the floor with a glass bottle next to him.

Honestly, I don't give a fuck whether he was alcohol poisoned, passed out or dead, I'm here to save Dream.

I run past him to get to his desk and pull open the drawers for guns, one after another.

I was searching on both sides of the desk and found none!

I ran to Quackity's desk and did the exact same way of searching. I was finding nothing other than paper in each of these drawers. Nothing useful, not even a different type of weapon.

I pushed the last drawer back in and slammed the desk from frustration, looking at Schlatt's body angrily "WHERE ARE THE GUNS?!?" I wasn't expecting an answer from him. But...

"Behind this door" He weakly lifted his hand and pointed to the door behind Schlatt's desk.

He actually spoke!

At first I didn't even see the door because of the way it was matching the dark colors of the walls and the red flickering lights making it harder to spot.

I ran to that door and opened it, and it seemed like it was just a tiny stash room, filled with shelves from bottom till the ceiling and all of them having drawers.

I was lost, unable to see properly especially because I've never been inside of here.

"Behind the fucking door, moron!" I heard Schlatt shout.

So, I checked behind the door and there was some sort of a glass closet with a few guns inside. Even some a little bigger than glocks, which are pistols. It's better than nothing.

I grabbed a glock and a pistol to carry those around easier. Then I stormed right out of this stash room, on my way to get to Dream in time. Hopefully I'll get to him alive.

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