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Dream POV

George is naive, I'm already learning how to get my way to his mind and do things for me. It's so easy. But I wasn't better.

I was just as blind to my action, anger and hatred overtaking my mindset.

I saw him drop the papers and I already knew. He pressed a button to stop the printing and was taking off this thing from my head, safely putting it away.

"Dream, please promise me to not freak out even more. Stay in place and just calm down. That's the only reason I'll be freeing you, is so you calm down." he explained even though I didn't care. I just wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

"Stop talking and just do it." I was very annoyed with him.

George ran his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes as he was walking over to my legs and first starting to take care of those locks. I watched him and all his little moves, making sure he wasn't trying anything else.

From the corner of my eye I saw Sapnap panicking and trying to run over to the door but was stopped by Schlatt's tight grip on his shoulder. They started to argue, Jack and Wilbur joining in, full on yelling at Schlatt as he stayed calm. That's what it looked like.

I didn't think anything of it and looked back to George. He had already opened both locks with a little key and went over to my wrists now. He was hesitating.

I can smell his fear. I can smell all of his emotions. Anxiety.

"What the fuck am I doing..." George murmured under his breath with pure regret in his voice.

I heard the click on the lock as it opened and pulled my left hand to myself, moving it around and twisting it. He was actually doing it! This idiot listens to everything I demand him to do!

I already sat up and several seconds after, the right lock was opened. I was free. "Sit.. still.. I beg you, Dream. Seriously, but like why are you reacting so sensitive when it comes to the muzzle? Are there any backstories I don't know of? Something I should be aware of?"

I stared him in the eyes as I was rubbing both my wrists silently.

My body tensed up very suddenly and I got another dangerous urge to do something. My intrusive thoughts win.

I get on my feet very quickly and jump straight at George from the chair with my hands ready to claw into him.

"DREAM-" he screamed out as we both fell to the floor and me landing on top of him. I probably didn't give him any time to react. Humans are slow, afterall.

He had almost hit his head against the floor, but somehow managed to prevent it from happening with his elbows. In panic, he tried to push me off of him with his legs by kicking into my stomach, but I had already gripped onto his waist to keep me in place. He kept repeating the same words such as "no, no, no", sounding so fearful because of me.

I refuse to get pushed off, as I open my mouth and aim for his neck with my sharp canine teeth. He gripped my throat and managed to keep me from hurting him which was impressive with how well he could hold me off.

"SAPNAP, ANYONE, PLEASE!" he desperately screamed out for help as he was defending himself the best he could.

I wanted to shut up his annoying screaming. It was hurting my ears. I lifted my right hand and was right about to hit him in the face with the claws, but he had kicked me into my stomach one more time with double the force, probably all the strength he had.

I fell back to the floor and he stood up, stumbling over his own feet as he tried to run to the door to get to others while searching for his key card in his pockets at the same time.

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