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University has been squeezing my brain dry with unending quizzes, assignments, and projects for weeks. My remaining two brain cells are just rubbing against each other for me to not fail at this point.

I thought I enrolled to learn and to get a degree, but it seems like I signed myself up for additional torture. (Not like the past fifteen years of schooling hasn't done that to me)

I am so tired that shedding tears and sweat is not enough.
Guess what.
My nose started to cry too.

Yes, I caught a cold; which furthermore delayed the update.

I'm getting better though, but not my life. Haha!

Apologies for typos and mistakes. My head was hurting and heavy when I wrote this. Also, feel free to correct me by commenting. I won't mind since it will be useful for other readers as well.

I guess that is all.


The sky resembled a ripened tangerine as the sun dove in the sea. Splashes of the waves lulled the passengers of the whale ship, causing numerous of the pirates to yawn. The loudest belonging to the gigantic man sat on the equally massive throne.

"Pops, I think you should listen to your body and get a shut-eye."

A young man with ink-black hair resembling the darkening sky which the setting sun's light failed to reach came forward. Freckles splattered on his nose and cheeks like the stars emerging at the loss of the sun and rise of the moon.

"I await my children's reply." Says the giant, his eyes peeled on the sky that has transformed to the color of the young man's red beaded necklace.

"Pops, those people refused multiple times already!"

"Ace, my son, patience is a virtue."

The man named Ace exploded. "Then I sure hope you have the same amount of patience for us like the one you're exerting for these... these rude strangers!" They have been disrespectful towards their father, and he cannot let that slide.

How dare they reject Whitebeard! They surely know how great an honor it is to be invited to be a part of their crew? To be a part of their family?

"You, yourself do know, Ace." Says Whitebeard, tilting his head to cast his son a gentle smile.

Ace sputtered as he was reminded of his past. The redness of his face was covered by the sunset, though his embarrassment was visible to his father's eyes.

But his pride prevented him from backing down and pushed him to prove his point.

"Considering their lack of respect, they must be someone with a powerful backer." Frown marred his features, his dark eyes narrowing as he thought of their possible identities. "Just how great are these people that made you so eager to invite?"

For Whitebeard to ask them for weeks, personally writing the letters of invitation that were returned with straightforward rejection. For their sake, it's good they replied at least; Ace's anger toned down by that gesture, but not vanquished.

Whitebeard raised a brow, hinting Ace's guess may be correct. However, his next sentence proved him wrong.

"They are their own powerful backer."

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