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It turns out the solution was simple and unexpected, yet perilous- especially for Apis. The girl had to be swung around by their rubber captain's elongated arm and pluck a grossly large nose out of a Sea King, having it sneeze and using the air blown out of its nose, err... blow them away and unto the area they came from.

Albeit witnessing it a couple times before, Megumi was still impressed on how quick Luffy recovers from a near-death experience and his ability to influence the crew. His stubbornness is extremely useful in times like this, as he never loses sight of their goal/destination.

Prior to their plan, they set off to Apis' home, Warship Island. Although the girl informed them how the island resembled a Warship, just like its name, they were still surprised on how much they looked alike. With the fog hindering their sight as they near the island, they mistook the island for a warship at first.

Eventhough they were unwelcomed by the folks when they reached the shores, the sight of Apis returning back and speaking up for them convinced the folks enough to let the pirates in their land.

The strawhats followed Apis and her grandfather to their home, the old man making pork buns for them. As they wait for the buns to cook, the old man entertained them by sharing the history of their land. Megumi left after a few sentences, knowing it'll be boring and she bears no interest in their history as she is not a local and the information poses no future use for her. Informing their captain of her departure and her plan of scouting the area, she left the premises.


Megumi knew what to expect when she made her decision to join an odd crew under an odd captain.

Oddities were normal in these seas and common sense doesn't work most of the time. Even in her previous world, in the Ninja World, Megumi saw a large number of strange things, her being a freak of nature itself. But eventhough she had prepared herself on what is to come, she had never expected to come across and to stand face-to-face with a dragon. Not like those she and her fellow ninjas created with their jutsus, but a real one.

She was circling around the town when she sensed the rubberman and brown-haired little girl move into what seemed like a cave. Eventhough their navigator came after him, a small part of her thoughts nagged her into following them to prevent Luffy from doing anything stupid.

To think it will lead her to seeing a live mythical creature which was presumed to be extinct. How unbelievable.

She witnessed Luffy getting chomped on by the reptile, or bird? Since it has feathers instead of scales. Uh... Apis called it Gradpa Ryu, so she'll just call him that and forget about the underlying confusion about the creature's animal classification. She'd rather not waste her time and brain cells as she had other things to think about. Like how they were supposed to move the giant creature around, especially with the Navy set their eyes on the mythical creature?

She barely separated from the crew again when her dark eyes caught sight of marine ships heading towards the island. There were five of them. Other folks also noticed and one ran to inform their elder and their guests but she was quicker than them. She reappeared in the same room the others were. The three boys- Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro- sleeping due to the boring history lecture of the old geezer who was in a deeper slumber than the younger men.

Megumi didn't have to do anything to wake the others. The moment she appeared, sharp blades, to which she fortunately dodged, almost severed her neck.

Having to bend backward to keep her head intact, it gave an opening for her attacker to sweep her legs, making her crash on the table at the center of the room. The noise of the wooden table destroyed was enough to wake up her fellow pirates.

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