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"Nami-san! @#$%~"

Megumi opens her eyes upon the noise, barely able to make things out what the new arrival has spoken. The person stood upside down, the striking light blue hair against the light making it known that it is Princess Vivi.

The ravenette squints her eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness but her eyes waters so she closes them. She releases her breath, her inaudible sigh noticed by the princess and gently closes the door, partly leaving it open by an inch. She uttered what seemed to be a short apology for Meg, since she's unsure she didn't reply.

"What's up with her pose?" Vivi softly whispers to the navigator, hand cupping her mouth and bending down the redhead's level.

Meg laid on her back atop the table, head hanging down the ledge, her long black tresses cascading like dark inky waterfalls on the floorboards. Her hands stretched to the sides, middle of her palm on the sharp corner of the table, delicate-looking fingers clutching it, nails digging in the wood. Body aligned straight with right foot bent, knee raised.

If Vivi didn't know better, she would've assumed she's modeling for a high-end fashion magazine or something with that perfect posture of hers. The years of etiquette lessons clearly is embedded in Meg's bones and every fiber of her being that her every movement is filled with grace. Coupled with her natural and alluring mysterious charm, she truly is the epitome of beauty. Just perfect. Well... Almost. And we all know why.

The princess sighs, staring at the raven-haired woman in envy. She peels her eyes away from the woman, expression changing as she settled her brown eyes on Nami, still awaiting for an explanation.

The navigator raises her head, casting Meg a glance. "Oh that." then looking at her piece. "She felt uncomfortable, started searching for a position that her body will feel at ease." Pointed the end of her pen on Meg's unmoving body. "Then it came to that." She went back to work, scritches filling the background.

Vivi grew concerned. "How long has she been hanging upside down on the table?" She can't help but ask, feeling uneasy for the ravenette.

Nami pauses, two or four seconds of silence befalling them. "For over an hour and a half." She estimates, continuing her work.

"WHAT?!" The Arabastan Princess almost burst the two women's eardrums by the loudness of her shout, though none of the two gave any indication. Realizing her outburst, she uttered an apology and calmed herself.
"How is she not dizzy yet? Blood must've went to her head by now."

Nami shrugged. "It's another relapse thing. Her body is the boss, Meg just do everything to feel comfortable."

"Oh." Before Vivi can wallow on pity, she was struck by remembering why she came in the cabin in the first place. “Oh!"

As Vivi pulled Nami outside, the door fully closed and the light blocked, Meg was relieved, eyes no longer assaulted by sunlight. Instinctively, she covers her nose despite unable to smell anything at all. In seconds for the nth time of the day, she passed out.

The chaos outside became unbearable hence, she stood up, staggering and clutching for any support before finally able to walk properly. Her legs fell asleep due to her former position, body refused on budging to change despite the exhaustion.

"You guys just won't stop yapping, do 'ya?" She clicks her tongue, sweeping her hair back, her dark unfocused eyes staring them down. The noise did annoy her, but she knew they have a reason to be loud. The crew have been extremely considerate towards her, barely making sounds or anything that may disturb her. And Meg appreciates it a lot.

So she lowers her hands to her waist, shifting her weight to her left foot. "What is it this time?" Her tone sounded rude, but they knew it was spoken with good intention.

Ikigai (A Naruto One Piece Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora