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Staring at the door, Megumi lets out another sigh before following Nami. That woman is sick and should be in bed. If she faints, it'll be harder for her.

Nami thought she did a good job at pretending, but in truth, it was only Luffy who believed her bluff.

Nami holds one of the most important role in the crew. She's the navigator. The crew relies on her to bring them to their next destination. They are in a hurry, so she can't bear being the one holding them back, especially since her friend's country is in danger.

She steps outside, claiming her job back. She takes out the eternal pose, realizing their ship is heading the wrong way.

She approaches Zoro, annoyed. "What were you watching all this time?"

"What are you talking about? The ship's going straight."

"Yeah. Straight at a right angle!" Nami corrects. "Look at the compass!" She shows him the eternal pose in her hand.

"I don't need to. I was watching the big cloud there." Zoro points the cloud he's talking about.

"Clouds move and changes shape!" Nami yells in frustration at the swordsman's idiocy. "Oh, gosh, my head's killing me." She sighs and clutches her aching head.

"So, just leave this to me and go back to bed!" Zoro argues, also concerned for her health.

"I'm here because I can't leave this to you!"

"Then leave this to me." A new voice interrupted them.

Nami looks up, looking at the new arrival. "Meg?"

Megumi nods, gently patting her head and using simple medical ninjutsu to ease her headache. As Nami relaxes, she takes the log pose from her hand and went to stir the rudder.

"The air changed." Nami comments, looking at the sky.

"The air? It's been a nice weather this whole time." The swordsman retorts.

"Never mind! Just get the others."

Zoro didn't doubt her and called them. "Hey! Get out there, you guys! We got work to do!"

It didn't take long before everyone arrived, asking him why they were called.

"What is it? It's hard to feel motivated when you're giving the orders." Of course, that's Sanji.

"Shut up and move! Take the seat and catch the portside wind." Zoro instructs.

Sanji turns to Nami as she is the navigator. "What's going on, Nami? The wave's quiet, and the weather's nice." He can't comprehend why when they can feel nothing's wrong.

"Wind." Nami answers, confusing them.

"An immense wind is directly coming this way." Megumi steps out. "That's what she's trying to say."

She watches in amusement as Luffy touches the ginger's forehead and got burnt due to her high temperature.

"You're hot! You stay inside the ship. Let's go get a doctor!" Exclaims Luffy while clutching his allegedly burnt hand.

"Mind your own business! This is my normal temperature!" Nami denies, refusing to get inside. "Now quit being stupid and pull the ropes!"

"Nami-san, I know you're saying that for Vivi-chan, but if you push yourself too hard..." Sanji voices out his worry, Caruo agreeing with him.

"I told you, I'm fine!" Nami insists, but is gradually weakened as she clutches the rails for support.

"Hey, Nami. I think you really should--"

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