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The papers in Megumi's hands crumpled due to the intense strain. Her whole body tremored, eyes shaking as she stares at the familiar handwriting on the attached letter. Her breathing labored, bullets of sweat cascading down her forehead.

"CHOPPER!" She walks out in search for the reindeer.

Usopp who heard her yell approached despite not the one being called.

"Meg? What's wrong?" He freezes when he saw her dark expression, his heart racing. His gut warns him of impending danger, ordering him to get away from the woman in front of him.

"Where's Chopper?" Meg spoke in a lower tone, but her voice cold.

Usopp shook his head, his knees falling weak to her dark aura. "I-I..."

The raging Uchiha flashed him a glare before walking past him, yelling the doctor's name. "CHOPPER!"

Her voice reverberated all over the ship, her crewmates coming out one after the other out of concern. Meg sounded livid and none of them know the reason, however, she kept calling for their newly recruited doctor, meaning he probably has done something. They had always viewed the kunoichi as level-headed, so they knew she has a good reason to seek out the reindeer for. But her tone did surprise them as they have never seen or heard her that mad. They immediately feared for the doctor, of the kunoichi possibly harming him.

"Meg, calm yourself." Nami stepped up, being the only person brave enough to approach Meg. "What do you need Chopper for? Tell us."

Meg brushed her away, swatting the hand reaching for her. "I need to ask him a question. Do NOT TOUCH ME!"

Everyone flinched at her outburst and stepped away, afraid of eliciting her anger. Even Luffy and Zoro shivered by the rise of her voice, swallowing thickly and hiding at the corner.

Megumi noticed their reactions and paid them no heed. She pushed open the doctor's makeshift office, the reindeer she's searching for screeching in shock by the sound of the door slamming to the wall.

"M-meg..." Chopper teared up, shaking pitifully as the raven-haired woman's shadow cast over him. Coupled with Meg's intimidating face at the moment, it makes sense the fearsome rookie pirate crew members to be scared of her.


"... Yes?" The reindeer squeaks, tears comically dripping down his face.

"ANSWER ME PROPERLY!" His weak answer brought displeasure to Meg, viewed somehow as disrespect. It alarmed the others, though they're hesitant to step in and get involved.

"Yes!" Mirroring a soldier, Chopper stood straight, chin up, hand on the side. He attempted to copy the tiger face, but can't manage to do it due to his face crumpling in terror.

"Meg, please watch your tone!" Luffy scolds, clearly displeased but remained on his position; showing the others his standing in not getting between their matters.

At his words, Meg paused; taking a few seconds to collect herself before continuing on questioning the doctor.

"Chopper," Her voice calmer this time. "Whilst I was unconscious, did you or Kureha take off... My ring?" She lifts her left hand to show the said ring.

Her question brought light for her sudden distress. Pairs of eyes stared at the jewelry, each displaying different emotion. One of which was sadness; the other sympathy; whilst one was of annoyance; and the other was confusion. But one thing they have in common was curiosity. Up until now, they wondered what kind of man was the giver of the ring for their ninja to treasure it that much, for her to be so angry upon the suspicion of somebody else removing it.

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