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"Listen, guys! Use self-control and try not to use your instincts too much." Reminds their redhead navigator, Sanji quick on agreeing with his Nami-swan.

"The one who needs to hear is already gone." And just as Zoro uttered the sentence, their captain already off board their ship, running towards the city screaming for food.

Nami's scream for the rubberman to come back is deemed useless. No matter how loud er voice is, with their captain on full-instinct as Usopp said, he will not hear her, especially when he is focused solely for searching for a foodplace.

Sanji hopped off not long afterwards. "Do not worry.Just find where the commotion is and he'll be there."

Correct. However, it's not like their ninja will let the teen run off on his own.

Meg has foreseen Luffy running off the moment they docked in Arabasta. Hence, she ensured he always carried with him a transportation seal just in case he gets himself in deep trouble wherein he can't get out of all on his own.

She also won't mention that she created some clones to do her bidding; lest she wanted a certain tanuki to be at her throat for disobeying his orders of no jutsus.

He wouldn't know if she'll never tell, right?

Just as Usopp suggested a great idea to remain unnoticed after finding that Mr. 3 is in town, Nami held both their kunoichi's shoulders, her brown eyes glaring at the woman with silent threat.

"You, our precious Meg, will remain here and guard the ship." the woman's hold tightened, making Meg swallow. "You'll be a good girl and stay here, right?"

At that moment, Meg wasn't sure if she was imagining it, but she saw Tsunade with her blond pigtails flaying around and resembling tentacles. Instinctively, she nodded.

Nami gave her shoulder one last squeeze before letting go. "Did that hurt?" She asks, almost in a concerned manner.

Quote. "Almost".

Meg shook her head, confused. Nami never asked how they were after being brutal, whether she hurt them intentionally or not.

Everyone gaped in shock when the navigator punched their lookout in the gut. The Uchiha recoiled in pain, clutching her stomach, but her face remained impassive due to the shock.

"What the hell, Nami!" Zoro stood by the crouched figure of Meg, an arm stretched out as if to separate the redhead from her.

The assaulter raised both her hands. "Just making  sure it wasn't her clone."

Vivi stepped forward, helping the dark-haired woman up. "Do you really need to punch her that hard, Nami-san? And on the stomach?" Meg barely eats. What if she vomits out the little food she ate?

"Well, I'm sorry about that Meg. I really need to make sure it was you." Zoro stopped her from approaching, glaring menacingly.

"Nice to see you take my advice to heart and aimed for a vital spot." Meg waved her off, her tone playful but the princess and the swordsman beside her don't approve of her humor.

After that matter was over, they left crouched under a blanket. Meg remained on the ship, growing bored by each passing minute.

Jokes on Nami for expecting her to stay.

She's their informant; she gathers information. How could she do her job when she's stuck on Merry?

And with an inaudible poof, Meg was no more. the cloud of smoke she left blown away by the wind.





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