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On an island somewhere.

The quiet and desolate forest was disturbed by the sudden appearance of a raven-haired maiden in clad of a dark clothing. Her popping in existence spooked the creatures. In addition, her K.I. terrified all the dangerous animals it made them evacuate the area.

Megumi looked around, inspecting her surroundings. She was so upset she teleported without thinking about the location. She just needed to separate herself from the crew, not trusting herself around people when she's an emotional wreck.

Too many things has happened that pried open what she thought was a healed wound.

She badly needs to be alone right now.

She raised her hand and touched the tag at the tree bark on her right. She remembers this place, having been here before on a mission. She once took on the task of getting rid of the giant gorilla-lion mutated creature which was a result of experimentation by the World Government. It was not the first time she's taken such task, and she knows it won't be the last The Order shall receive.

Disgusting people, the lot of them.

Terrible people truly hides at high places.

Travelling to multiple places, she formed the habit of marking each island she's been to. She'd leave tags such as the one she's placed on the tree for her to easily travel back if need be or whenever she pleases.

Gripping the paper, she pulled the tag off, ripping it to pieces and throwing it on the ground. The shredded paper scattered across the grass and bushes like falling snow, except it isn't winter season yet.

Megumi punched the tree next. Said tree shook and leaves and branches fell, some on the ground and some on her. She paid it no mind, only focusing on releasing her pent up aggression.

She punched the tree until it fell and her knuckles are bruised and bleeding. Still not satisfied, she kicked the same tree into smithereens. Her grunts, growls, and frustrated yells filled the silent forest.

Facing the piles of wood that came from the trees she took down and destroyed, she's not a bit remorseful for the damage she caused and for the homes the animals lost. She's too pre-occupied with anger that she's unable to make room to feel other emotions at the moment.

Aggressively wiping the sweat from her temples and neck, she fixed her stance. Legs apart, back straight, chin raised.

She evened her breathing before raising her shaky, bloodied hands.

Horse. Tiger. Serpent. Ram. Monkey. Boar.

Her hands moved to those seals, the trembling worsening at each sign.

She was unable to finish it, dropping her hands on her sides. Her chest rose and fell as she forced herself to regain her composure.

Violently shaking her head to rid of negative thoughts, she tried once more.

With a sharp inhale and long exhale, she lifted her hands and attempted to cast the jutsu again this time.

Horse. Tiger. Serpent. Ram. Her hand shook once more, but more subtly than before. She forced herself to continue, determined to cast a fire jutsu.

Monkey. Boar. Horse. Tiger.

Taking a deep breath, and her cheeks puffed. She intended to blow but collapsed instead, splinters embedding in her skin as she knelt on the forest floor, heaving.

Her hands that used to be intertwined from the sign gripped her hair. She pulled her hair aggressively before banging on the earth, not minding the pieces of wood and the muddy texture of the dirt. She hit the wet ground until it's soft and her entire hand was buried in the mud.

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