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Within the Land of Fire, in a clan known for their fire techniques, the clan that bore the uchiwa on them, the master of flames.

The Uchiha

Bore a child of winter.

When snow blanketed the whole country and the cold took over, this child came to the world with not a single cry.

And just like the season she's born in, she emitted no warmth.

She drained the heat and sent chills to the people surrounding her.

Made them tremble.

Gave them shivers.

Megumi was winter.

Was. Until someone sparked a little fire inside her.

The people she deemed precious fanned this little flame.

And then, the cold child became warm.

The daughter of winter emitted fire. Created fire. Nearly forgotten whose child she was.

But she didn't. For before she burned her enemies to the ground, she sent them chills. She crushed them like an avalanche, their victory swept away due to her strength alone.

Megumi became a cold woman with a burning heart.

She kept burning and burning, her flame getting bigger and stronger by the day that her ice shield thawed.

A huge mistake she made was searching for warmth since she let people in.

And her flames, no matter how strong they were, couldn't protect her from the people of The Fire. 

Of course, Megumi didn't know.

More like she was blinded by the brightness of her fire so she didn't see nor notice. But, she kept herself burning to give them light, ignorant of how they snubbed her flames little by little.

Then, like they wanted, Megumi burnt out.

But her fire lit up so strong one last time before fully extinguishing.

Then for years, not a single smoke was seen despite her friends' efforts to reignite her fire.

Meg never burned for anything or anyone.

She's no longer warm.

Like the winter season, she froze everything close to her that with little pressure they will crack.

She spent her years withering in cold solitude until she met her sun.

Monkey D. Luffy

He was warm.

And despite the warning bells in her head ringing and the voices echoing, warning her of the consequence of being burnt, Megumi chose to remain by him.

Oddly enough, his touch never burned her skin.

He never let go of her no matter how thick he was covered in frost.

Meg couldn't explain. It was as if she remained between the feeling of confusion and relief.

But, one thing she is certain.

Looking at the chocolate orbs of the rubber captain is like a magnifying glass  pointed at the sun.

She melted.

Soon enough, embers lit in the heart of the winter wonderland.

Along with his rumbustious laughter, the unmovable icy mountain shook.

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