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"Hurry and load the stuff. We're leaving right away!"


"Set the sails!"

The strawhats moved quickly, rushing to prepare the ship for departure. Each was focused on their task.

"Hey, are we leaving again just after we reached the island?" Chopper asks.

"Yes. We only stopped by this town to get what we're going to need." The Princess answered for him. "Now we are going to head up the river to the interior of Arabasta. Our next destination is Erumalu, The City of Green."


A city of green in a desert kingdom? How odd.


"Hurry!" Zoro pulled out the anchor.

"Pick up the pace!" Sanji handled the sails.

"All set!" Usopp held the rudder.

"Okay! Let's set sail!"

They all paused.


"You know..." Sanji starts, feeling something inexplicable wrong.

"Huh?" Chopper, too, felt it.

"I get the feeling we're missing someone." Says Usopp.

"So do I." Chopper affirms.

"Actually... We're missing approximately two people." Nami said.

Zoro nearly broke his teeth from gnashing. "Those morons!"


Back in the alleys of Nanohana.

At the center of the empty street stood a barrel with the missing part of the StrawHat Pirate crew sitting ontop. Their very own captain, Monkey D. Luffy-

"Eh? That' weird." He tilts his head in confusion.
"Why am I the only one here?"

-Who, apparently haven't realized he's lost.

Atop of a building, Meg slaps her forehead.

"Where have they gone?"

The poor loyal ninja watching over her captain ran her hand across her face and sighed.


Meg ceased another episode of her regret in joining the stupid rubber monkey and stood on guard; hand over her thigh, ready to reach a weapon.

"I guess letting you escape was pretty much useless."

Recognizing the voice, she calmed down. Seeing that this will be a brothers' reunion, she chose to not expose herself yet and sat at the ledge of the rooftop, her feet swinging as she enjoyed the view of the first town of Vivi's Kingdom.

Ah~ It reminds her of Sunagakure.

By the way, how was that baby Red Raccoon? Surely he's grown a lot.

What about the cactus she gifted Purple Face? If he took care of it properly then it would've bore a fruit or at least flowered.

And that Snarky Fan better be taking care of her little brother properly or else she would've wasted her precious time in giving her a lecture on how to be a good sister.

Meg looked back at the brothers; the two engaged in arm wrestling. She watched in interest as their faces turned red due to their struggle with out-powering the other. When the barrel broke, the drinking water spilled and wasted, she couldn't help but be disappointed.

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