"Great! Now let's eat!" Tae exclaimed as he led me over to the table and pulled me down to sit next to him. As I settled in, I looked around the room. It was an intimate space, with dark blue walls and little paper lanterns decorating the corners. There was a large window on the other side of the room that showed some of the Seoul skyline, but I couldn't get a good look from my seat. 

The table was set with a few bottles of wine along with some gorgeous black ceramic dinner ware. I took the cloth napkin and laid it in my lap while the others settled in around us. I wondered how much this was about to cost me. Good thing I had kept my expenses low and had a healthy savings account.

 Good thing I had kept my expenses low and had a healthy savings account

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(pretend its blue lol)

I turned to Tae on my left and whispered to him, "This place is so nice! Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?"

He smirked at me and leaned down to whisper to me, his breath tickling against the shell of my ear, "More than sure, jagi." 

He took my hand and brought it up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss before placing it back on my lap. I had to fight back a grimace as the buzzing under my skin stabbed at me painfully when Tae made contact with my skin. 

Ok, what the fuck is going on? Tae usually calms my anxiety. Am I really just that worked up tonight?

I reached for the glass of water before me to take a drink to try and calm myself down. The anxious buzzing was flowing so hard through me, that I felt almost dehydrated. After drinking more than half the glass, I set it back down and looked across from me, meeting the eyes of Yoongi once again. He was watching me almost placidly. 

The moment our eyes met, my heart crashed to a halt, and I felt an overwhelming need to reach out and touch him. Mentally slapping myself, I gripped my skirt in my fist to stop myself from reaching out to him. 

I forced myself to look away from him, noticing that Namjoon had seated himself across from Tae, and Jungkook had sat at the furthest end of the table on Tae's right side. If I wanted to speak to him, I would have to lean over Tae. I was almost sure that Jungkook did it on purpose—he seemed to be pretty shy of new people, especially women.

Jungkook started to talk to Tae about some new workout he and Namjoon had been doing, so I took a deep breath to settle myself, and turned my attention back to Yoongi. He was still watching me lazily, and I had to ignore the spike of anxiety under my skin at our eye contact. 

There was so much I wanted to say to the man before me. Thank you for saving me, sounded a bit dramatic and I didn't want to fawn all over him like an obsessed fangirl.

Tae could never know, but my real bias was sitting right in front of me. This man had inspired some of my most beautiful choreography and helped to ease my painful and cathartic moments. 

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