heart or brain?

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TIME was a simple reminder, that no matter how hard you wish for it to stay still

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TIME was a simple reminder, that no matter how hard you wish for it to stay still..it wouldn't.

I use this to my advantage.

Time always ticks by fast, faster than any thoughts of hesitation that may pass through my mind.

I was ready for the day that I could finally say
'I got my revenge'.

"Willow, honey stop training for a minute and go out with your cousin Bella, she has really been missing you"

My harsh and quick punches halted at the voice of my mother, swiftly turning around to face her I smiled seeing her look of disapproval when noticing that I've been beating my knuckles raw causing them to bleed slightly.

"Sure! Where does she wanna go? Oh wait that's right she'll probably just want to go see her stupid brooding boyfriend and drag me along with her- yeah sounds great mom" I sarcastically replied with a roll of my eyes before beginning to throw deep jabs at the punching bag (I was imagining it was Edwards face)

A heavy sigh left my mother's mouth as she slowly walked to the side of me with a smile of understanding "Honey..I know you hold hate towards the Cullen's for what they did, but If you would simply stop living in the past and start living in the now then I'm sure you'll find that your hatred doesn't run that deep anymore because no matter what we wish- we can not change what has happened, so leave the past in the past and start living in the present my sweet girl"

My mother's words of wisdom stopped my movements as I suddenly came to still for a moment soaking her words in and letting them run deep through my thoughts.

I thought about Jasper and our memories that we shared..our good and bad times...our sweet and loving times...our happy and sad times...our unkept promises to eachother.

I thought about Alice and her sweet smile and vadiant laugh that filled every dark corner of the room.

I thought about Rose and Emmet, their strong bond something I looked up to hoping one day it would be me and Jasper.

I thought about Edward and Bella...there annoyingly but nether the less sweet relationship.

I thought about Esme and Carlisle and their never ending love for their family.

I thought about how normal they all sounded...it was unsettling at the least as my heart now was telling me to leave the past where it was while my head was screaming to fulfil my months of training and kill them...which do I listen to in such a situation as this?

YOOO why has it actually been so long since I've checked up on this book!!? That's crazy how many views there are now I honestly don't have any words other than i have deep respect for you all 😚✊

Willow (twighlight ff)Where stories live. Discover now