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(Willow's pov)

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(Willow's pov)

ITS BEEN 2 months. At first time moved so slow but now..Everything seems to move so quickly my eyes don't even catch it at times, As I think hard and long about my training over the past months I always fail to notice the actual good things that came with me joining the hunters camp.

My mind is used to being solely set on the negative things that I forget to shine some light on the positive things.

With the hunter's camp I overcome my weaknesses, I was finally able to see Vampire's for what they truly were...Monsters.

Unfortunately it took one of my past teammates getting slaughtered right in front my eyes by a bloodsucking monster to realise that.

I remember that night as if it was yesterday..


"Okay girls, this is Willow's first mission! So we protect and teach her the In outs of what goes on behind the scenes got it?" Leah asked the girls with that authority laced tone.

Everyone nodded with a 'yes boss!' And with that they all exited the vehicle they were sat in. The car was familiar to a S.W.A.T car making Willow feel really excited to ride in it as she's always been interested in the police forces.

"Hey Will's" Cherry whispered softly kneeling down next to the girl who was anxiously picking at her gloved hand. Willow snapped her head to see a pretty smiling Cherry "Hey.."

"Ya know..There's nothing to be worried about right?" She asked titling her head to the side while watching intently, Willow inhaled sharply before looking down once again at her shaky hands "I-I know" She hesitantly spoke.

Cherry pulled something out of her protective vest before showing Willow the shiny jewel attached to her neck on a silver necklace, "This here is my good luck charm, I've never been injured on a mission before with this on me so..I made you one too"

The red haired girl pulled out another necklace that was familiar to her's as she smiled happily placing the pretty little gem into Willow's opened palm.

"Thank you Cherry, this uh- means a lot"
As time went on with the harsh training, Willow lost that ability to freely talk and talk with people she was comfortable with so now she's not the best with words but the girls understood that about her. They all lost a part of themselves when walking through them camp door's too.

"No problem Will's!"

"I'm calling for back up!" Leah suddenly informed while jogging over from her spot on the rooftop of the abandoned building they were currently waiting at.

Jules instantly perked up at this information a large sour expression on her face "What? We're the elite team! We don't need no back up!" She angrily snapped standing from her seat on the hood of the van.

Willow (twighlight ff)Where stories live. Discover now