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PUSHING my headphones to rest on my neck i looked over my surroundings, After my argument with my mom I didn't exactly feel like staying home so I asked Bella if she could drop me off near a good book store since i need to find the last book of my...

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PUSHING my headphones to rest on my neck i looked over my surroundings, After my argument with my mom I didn't exactly feel like staying home so I asked Bella if she could drop me off near a good book store since i need to find the last book of my romance series I've been reading lately. "What a cute shop" I whispered while admiring the little book shop in the middle of literally no where.

Opening the wooden door a little bell went off announcing my arrival, the scent off old book's and dust filled my nose just how i like it. Smiling to myself i went to the isle which had a sign reading Romance one of my favourite genre's but I also like the historical ones, it fascinates me how us people used to live before.

My finger trailed along the book spines as i glided past them concentrating on where my book could be. I stopped with a victorious hum when seeing it grabbing it off of the shelf i immediately held it close to my chest 'finally the last book!' I felt very good with myself as i paid for the book and decided on reading a few chapters to kill time in the little reading corner.

As i was too concentrated in reading my book while walking towards my destination I didn't notice where i was walking until I bumped into something or someone, it was almost like a brick wall and it was so cold making me immediately flinch back until i saw them...those golden eyes i saw in the forest. I knew I wasn't going crazy!

"Sorry ma'am I didn't see you there" his voice had a Texas twinge to it..the longer i stared at his features the more i felt drawn in, I felt as if i was falling into those pools of golden hues. Snapping myself out of it i nervously glanced down to my feet "It's's kinda my fault I shouldn't be reading while walking" I mumbled but he heard me quite clearly it seems as he nodded along with my words.

"I like that series too" His eyes flickered down to my book which was held to my chest, "Really? Everyone well when i say everyone i mean my cousin- she says it's too tragic" I rambled on getting excited when hearing he likes the same series he's definitely the first. His handsome chuckle made my tummy flutter but I ignored it "But that's what makes it more exciting" he said his eyes never leaving me almost as if he was trying to read me.

"Yeah that's true! But the second book of the series was definitely my favourite!"

"Oh you mean the one where Annie married Henry but they both ended up dying when Annie's sister said-"

"she wanted Henry to herself"

We spoke at the same time making us both laugh at our familiar taste in books, this boy seems to be getting better and better by the minute. By now me and this mysterious guy are now walking towards the sitting area where we talked non stop for 2hours straight about the books we've both read it seems like he's read all the books in the world at his strong knowledge on them all.

"And then she kissed Isaac not knowing her fiancé was watching!"

Our laughter echoed through the quiet bookstore as we both found it humouring how the female lead could be so idiotic, our laughter slowly died down but the happiness in our heart's didn't neither did the large grins on our faces either.

I looked down at my watch and my eyes instantly widened in shock when seeing the time, With frantic hands I searched my bag for my phone and once it was in my clutch I cringed at the sight of how many text messages and missed calls I've phone must've been on silent. Sighing sadly I turned to look at The boy who watched me in confusion "I've- I've got to go.." i spoke flinging my bag onto my back and holding my book to chest once again.

He looked disappointed but neither less nodded " you need a ride home?" He asked politely oh how i wish i could say yes and then we could continue our talking about books but knowing my mother she'd kill me if she see's that a boy is taking me home and plus he is still kinda a stranger to me.

"Thanks for the offer but my mom will pick me up, I've really enjoyed our talk.." I trailed off not knowing his name and that shocked me but I guess we've been so caught up in our talking we forgot to introduce ourselves. He smiled that charming smile which made one side of his lips rise higher then the other and it caused my heart to skip a beat but yet again I ignored these emotions.

"Sorry Ma'am the names Jasper, Jasper Hale"

"Well I'm Willow"

He rose a questioning brow "Just Willow?" He asked with a small head tilt "Yes, just Willow" i replied with a nod, he simply just smiled before walking me towards the door we both purposely slowed our steps towards the exit as we talked about more book's as sometimes Jasper would crack a small joke in there.

I haven't laughed this much before my life went down hill. The memories flooded my mind once again and I couldn't help but abruptly let my laughter die down as those same emotions flooded my heart fear,frustration, sadness, death..

Jasper suddenly flinched as if he was just punched in the stomach causing me to face him in concern as he looked pained by something, "Jasper are you okay?" I quickly asked my hand softly landing on his bicep that was covered with a thick coat which seemed to calm him as he breathed out before shakily nodding. "Y-yeah sorry about that..what about you?" He asked confusing me.


"Willow are you okay?" He looked serious while looking at me with those intense eyes of his that seem to bring me comfort, nodding my head i wearily looked down to my shoes "I'm fine Jasper" I whispered softly before my phone went off breaking the silence.

Mom Xxx
I'm waiting outside for you.
Willow :)
Okay Mom be out in a minute.

Stuffing my phone back into my pocket I looked up into Jasper's mesmerising eyes once more. I was sad knowing this might be our last meeting but i was hoping we'd somehow find each other again "Bye Jasper.." I whispered before leaving the bookstore my emotions all over the place but I guess the saying good things don't last forever is true, painfully true.

Willow (twighlight ff)Where stories live. Discover now