She what?

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(Author's pov) (before Willow went cliff diving)

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(Author's pov) (before Willow went cliff diving)

THE harsh sound of the glass smashing against the floor shook everyone out of their silence. Jasper was the first to rush toward Alice who's hands shook in pure fear and panic "Alice! What is that you see?" Jasper questioned shaking her shoulders lightly to snap her out of her trance.

"W-Willow...Jasper I'm so sorry it's willow-." Alice helplessly stumbles over her words to form a correct sentence, Jasper felt his dead heart drop to the pit of his stomach when hearing her name be spoke.

"What did you see? Alice tell me!" Jasper shouted his hand running through his hair almost as if he was remembering when Willow would do the same for him whenever he felt overwhelmed. ' I'm comin for you, Willow' the blonde headed boy thought to himself and he was thankful Edward wasn't there to read his mind.

"She's trying to kill herself!" Alice said the words no one thought would be possible..Willow was a strong headed woman who always got back up on her feet after something hit her down, so when hearing that she was trying to end her life was something no one expected especially Jasper.

"N-no" Jasper's pained voice hit a pang through everyone's emotions, Jasper sped up to his bedroom and not a minute later he was back to the bottom of the stairs holding a backpack full of his stuff that he threw in there without a single thought.

"I'm leaving"

Rosalie scoffed "No you're not" she snapped zooming toward her brother and snatching his poorly packed bag from his shaking clutch. Jasper snarled in frustration "Yes, I am"

The hothead shook her head her painted lips angrily barked out toward her brother "You broke that girl's heart! If anything when seeing you she'll want to end it all even faster!"

Jasper was about to shout back a reply but stopped when realising all the harsh words coming from Rosalie were true and that hurt a lot more then he thought was possible.

"If she dies then so do I! She's my life don't you get it!?"

Of course they did, all of them had a mate of their own- apart from Alice that is.
All of them knew of the pain that would come when you're mate would get hurt or feel sad...but when it comes to the death of a mate that could possibly feel like your heart being ripped from out your chest and repeatedly stomped on like a dirty old rag.

It would hurt more then words could ever explain.
So yes, They understood Jasper's situation but they were still unsure.

"We understand my boy" Carlisle rested a soothing hand on his son's shoulder with a sad shine in his eyes "the vision's Alice tend to see are not always correct, people alter their decisions. We all know Willow here and she is not someone to commit such life causing harm to herself nor her family so please think carefully about this"

Now, Jasper felt so very confused with himself. He wasn't sure what to do..He wanted nothing but to believe Carlisle words but the doubt soon settled in.

"I'm leaving and that's final"

-Time skip to when Willow has left- (Jasper's pov)

I'm not sure how long I have been travelling and quite frankly I don't care, All this time on my long journey back to Forks my mind was only set on one thing and that was Willow, my Willow.

My journey has taken me much longer because I have no choice but to spend most of the time hunting on animals to control my thirst as I don't want a repeat of what happened on the day my whole world was taken from me.

When seeing the lone sign of Forks Washington, I instantly felt relief. Alice promised to update me on her visions of Willow but she said she hasn't been getting any which could mean she was truly gone or she was hanging around someone who was blocking Alice from seeing anything- and there's only one that can do that and that's the pack of shapeshifters.

As I ran and ran toward Willow's house I could sense there was something terribly wrong when I couldn't seem to feel her presence...Please be alive my love.

My anxious and frantic knocks on the Swans residence's door sounded throughout the whole neighbourhood at how loud I was being but in my whirlwind of emotions I completely missed the fact these people absolutely hate my guts and I seriously do not blame them for all the damage I have caused.

The door swung open and there stood a puffy eyed Bella meaning she was crying moments prior, Her face contorted into shock then soon into anger then panic before she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me upstairs into her and Willow's shared bedroom.

I looked around trying to see any sign of Willow but there was nothing...Panic struck me like a race car hitting me at 100mph.

"Jasper! If my dad or Aunt Sofia see you they will kill you!" Bella scolded after she managed to safely lock the door to the bedroom.

I turned to her with wide eyes "where is she?" I quickly asked getting straight to the point. Bella shook her head in wild bewilderment "W-what?"

"Willow! Where is Willow!?"

I felt like I was loosing my mind! at constantly having to repeat myself but whatever it would take to see her again or know she was safe and most importantly alive.

Bella suddenly looked sad as she looked down to the floor to hide her glossy eyes "She's gone.."

"No! She can't be!" I refuse to believe this. Willow can't be gone. She's my lifeline and without her I'm nothing, I'm simply just a wondering soul roaming the earth for eternity but with her- I'm alive once again! I feel more then a worthless monster. She made me see the good in the world and without her everything turns blue..a sick dull blue.

"She left a few hours ago"


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