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SMOKING was something Willow hated

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SMOKING was something Willow hated..And she most definitely hated it when she found out her mother began the horrible habit once again. The auburn haired girl walked down the stairs with her bag slung over her shoulder as she was about to quickly finish of her breakfast until she smelt smoke and at first she thought her toast was burning but when seeing she hasn't made any she could only think of one thing...

"Mom are you smoking again!?"

Willow barged through her mother's door her face showing nothing but disappointment, Sofia was startled at her daughter's sudden appearance causing her to drop her newly lit cigarette out the window a curse leaving her mouth as she did so.


She snapped around to face her daughter anger and frustration built up in her heart which desperately needed a release. "You don't barge into my room like that! I don't for you so I expect the same from you! I am a grown woman i can smoke all I want- I certainly don't need my daughter COMING At me every time i do so!" Sofia's chest heaved up and down from anger as her hard stare was burning Willow's now fragile state.

"I'm sorry?" Willow felt like a child all over again..she hates feeling so weak. Averting her gaze towards the floor to desperately try and block away her mom's angered eyes burning holes into her she fiddled with her T-shirt.

"Get out Willow" Sofia turned away from her daughter and sat on her bed with a heavy sigh. Willow walked towards the door but stopped just before her hand could touch the handle "You broke you're promise" She whispered before she slammed her mom's door shut.

"Will's is everything okay?" Bella asked when seeing her cousins tear stained face, Willow sniffled while wiping away her tears "Yeah..i just wanna go" She didn't bother waiting for a reply as she was already out the door and walking to school.

The cold air nipped at Willow's exposed skin which wasn't covered by the thick layers of clothing. She winced every time the wind would blow too hard making her once straight hair go frizzy. "Will's wait up!" Bella's call for her was ignored as Willow's headphones were stuck to her ears replacing the outside noise with calming music.

-at school-

To say she was disappointed when she saw no sight of a blonde haired boyfriend of her's who would wait for her and give her a morning kiss was an understatement, she was quite literally devastated. Though she did understand why Jasper and his family couldn't attend school because they needed to hunt- especially Jasper.

Sighing sadly she began her lonesome journey towards the school's entrance. Willow's book's were tightly pressed to her chest as she desperately tried to shove past the students who were randomly standing in the middle of the hallway. Once she reached her designated classroom a breath of relief escaped her mouth.

"Willow!" Angela's angelic voice reached the said girl causing her to turn around a smile made it's way onto her face at the sight of her best friend. "Angela!"

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