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WILLOW'S head popped out from the kitchen door as she greeted her uncle Charlie who just got back from work, "Hey!" He greeted her back before going upstairs to change so Willow went back to her conversation on the phone

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WILLOW'S head popped out from the kitchen door as she greeted her uncle Charlie who just got back from work, "Hey!" He greeted her back before going upstairs to change so Willow went back to her conversation on the phone.

"Okay so you were saying?" -willow

"Our History class, the teacher is moving me to a different class and so I won't be your seat mate anymore" -Angela

"What!? How could you betray me like that" -Willow

"Hehehe sorry Will's" -Angela

"Okay well I guess you won't be able to snack on my cookies anymore then" -willow

"No! Don't do that to me" -Angela

"Fine~ only because your the sweetest!" -Willow

"Sweeter then that boy you were talking to in the bookshop?" -Angela

"Nope! He's definitely the sweetest" -Willow

"Ugh why won't you tell me his name~" -Angela

"Because i know you'll tell Jessica and Jessica knows everyone sooo he's gonna stick with the name book boy" -Willow

"Fine! Well I'll see you tomorrow at school" -Angela

"Yeah see you soon!" -Willow

End of phone call with Angela <3

Willow placed her phone onto the counter before continuing with her baking, her arm slightly ached after finishing her 2nd batch of cookies she's just finished making for her family and friends. Putting on a timer to notify when the cookies should be finished. She dusted off her hands then made her way to the table to finish off her book which she bought yesterday, definitely one of the best days of her life.


Marking her book page she turned around to see Bella holding a box of stuff a struggled expression plastered onto her face as her arms slightly shook "a little help?" She meekly asked with a tilt of her head. Willow sprung to her feet and grabbed the other side of the heavy box "What's this?" Willow asked Bella who shrugged "Like I'd know. Your mom just told me to bring it to her room"

This made Willow's curiosity grow, after all her mom and her packed everything together plus she thought they finished unpacking yesterday. The two girls placed the heavy box onto the bed with a huff as it took ,strangely a-lot of energy. Bella left the room straight after saying she needs to call Edward or something along the lines of that as Willow was to consumed with thoughts of what could possibly be in the box.

Biting her lip hesitantly she reached her hand out to the box her brain screaming no but her heart screamed yes! And like her mom always tells her 'listen to your heart' so that's exactly what she did. She tore the tape that read in bold red letters FRAGILE, off the top before slowly opening the flaps of the box.

She reached inside and once she touched something she clutched it in her hand before hauling it out the box, in her hand was a long and sharp stake it was so sharp it almost cut her as she dropped it onto the bed in shock. Immediately tipping the box over she watched in horror as all these murderous weapons sprawled all across her mothers bed.

A gun with sharp wooden bullets, A steel knife, a wooden stake, a FREAKING explosive. The list was endless and some things Willow couldn't even name as it was nothing she's seen before. Staggering away she brought a hand up to her mouth to catch the sob escaping her parted lip's. Hot heavy tears dripped down her face as she stared in absolute horror at the weapons laid in front of her...just what was her mother doing with all these weapons?

"Sweetie I'm home!" She could hear her mother's shout from downstairs the door soon closing behind her, Gulping down her fear of her own mom she quickly with shaking hands scooped all the weapons back into the box before shutting it closed then grabbing the ripped fragile tape. she quickly stuffed it into her pocket before exiting her mom's bedroom before running downstairs to the kitchen.

"H-hey mom" Willow breathed out nervously keeping a distance away from the woman, Her mom smiled happily at her daughter "I can smell your cookies! Make sure to save some for me" She winked playfully before walking upstairs to have a shower after a long day of Willow thought about it she doesn't exactly know what her mom's line of work is. Their relationship broke down into crumbs after the accident so she never really wanted to know anything about her mother.

Biting away at her nails she slowly walked towards the kitchen deciding baking would help keep her mind off of her new discovery.

My mom's a killer .

——————————-time skip——————————
(Willow's pov)

CLASS was boring as always it didn't help that i got no sleep last night. No i was too scared with thoughts of her possibly hurting or worse killing someone with those weapons it kept filtering into my mind all night. I nearly drifted to sleep but Jessica's nudge to my shoulder snapped me from falling face flat on my desk, jolting awake I turned to face the door and my heart fell down to the bottom of my stomach as i saw- "Jasper" the whisper of his name left my lips so perfectly it was like I've said his name thousands of times before.

His eyes snapped towards mine almost as if he heard my call for him which wasn't humanly possible as he was all the way across the classroom but hey I didn't think my mom would own 20 plus weapons but here we are. Jessica squealed at my side as she sighed dreamily while leaning on her palm "That's Jasper Hale, He's a Cullen though"

"Yeah i know.." I muttered under my breath still staring into his honey eyes which weren't leaving mine anytime soon but oddly i liked it knowing he was only looking at me and no one else. "Did you say something?" Jessica asked turning to me causing me to unfortunately break the eye contact with Jasper to look at Jessica "Uh no I didn't"

"Wait did you say Cullen? Is he related to Edward then?" I asked knowing I've heard that last name before it confused me as to why he didn't say his full name at the bookstore but I didn't even give him my last name so I can't be a hypocrite. "Yeah him and Edward are adopted and so are the rest of his siblings. You'll see them at lunchtime" Jessica informed me which was helpful and thats definitely a first for Jessica.

"But like don't even waste your time because apparently no one here's good enough for him not that i care or anything" Jessica quickly added in a duh tone before rolling her eyes but i could see that she was deeply embarrassed. Must've got rejected or something I thought.

Nodding my head i sent one look at Jasper who was already looking at me from across the classroom his expression unreadable. Switching my gaze to my blank sheet of paper with a sigh i spoke "Wasn't planning on it" She nodded with a small hum before going back to gossiping with the girl sat behind us.

Thoughts of Jasper's smile and laugh even his Texas accent filled my head and it seemed to be blocking out the ones of my mother so I couldn't bring myself to stop. It's not like i like him or anything.

Willow (twighlight ff)Where stories live. Discover now