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(Author's pov)

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(Author's pov)

"SHE SURE IS a pretty one huh?" Sharla mumbled as she softly patched up Willow's small wound on her forehead where she must of hit it from falling unconscious.

Jules scoffed to herself while cleaning out her sharp blade the cold girls attention as usual was solely set on her murderous weapon, "Tch, is that all you're gonna talk about?" She grumbled annoyed by their constant compliments towards the newbie.

Cherry childishly giggled into her palm as her sweet smile shone brightly, standing from her seat she dusted down her uniform before walking over to have a peek at the unconscious girl. She hummed approvingly "Sharla is right, she's beautiful" Cherry yet again added onto the list of compliments .

Mika chuckled at the girls before switching her glance to see a frustrated Jules who was getting angrier by the minute. Faking a cough to stop her laughter she placed a stern expression on her face "All right, that's enough girls! Let the poor girl rest" Mika beckoned for the three of them to follow as she walked out the room where they placed Willow to sleep.

Once all the laughter and footsteps faded away the 'sleeping' girl slowly began opening her eyes to an open, the white lights blinded her making her wince as she slowly sat up from her place on the bed.

Everything that happened was so very confusing, It was like a lucid dream that when you try to reach out in your memory to remember it but as soon as you think you've got it the dream manages to slip through you're fingers like it was nothing.

Turning her head to the side she had to take a double look as her eyes widened when seeing her phone in all it's glory placed on the bedside table, Immediately snatching it up in her clutch she felt a beam of happiness flood over her.

Unfortunately one of the many rules in the camp was that you were not allowed to keep your phone, On the day of their entry a few staff members stood at the entrance with boxes in their hands and when you passed by them they would place all your important belongings in the box- for example your phone,Purse,Jewellery- yes they took Willow's engagement ring...and yes she still wore the thing.

Sighing contentedly she flipped open the phone but was immediately met with disappointment, Groaning loudly she threw her phone face down onto her bed at the bold wording that previously flashed in her face NO SIGNAL.

She just wanted to hear her mother's voice.
She wanted to hug her mother and feel her worries instantly melt away at her warmth.
She wanted her mother to braid her hair like when she was a child.
She wanted her mother to hold her as she cried on these lonesome nights.
She wanted her mother to patch up her aching wounds from the gruelling training.
She wanted her mother.

•••••••••••••••••••••••FORKS WASHINGTON••••••••••••••••

•••••••••••••••••••••••FORKS WASHINGTON••••••••••••••••

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(Sofia's pov)

For many days now I have been seriously questioning my ability on controlling myself, The urge of barging through the Hunter's campus doors and run towards my daughter was slowly but surely growing.

As a mother I feel like I've abandoned her! I feel as though I've fed her to a pack a wolves.

I may be overthinking this but..she's my only daughter- my baby girl. I remember when the first time I laid eyes on her and it was an amazing experience, suddenly the air shifted around me and my heart felt light and pain free just with one look into her brown eyes. She certainly got most of her looks from her father.

"Miss Sofia!?"

Stilling in my spot outside the camp doors I mentally slapped myself, I've been caught.

Slowly turning around to face the person who caught me noosing around the campus I nearly cried from relief when seeing who it was. Placing a hand on my racing heart I let a small smile grace my lips.


She tucked her hands into her uniform pockets with a smirk as she walked towards me "You can't be here ya know?" She asked with a tilt of her head, the moonlight shined against her eyes showing me her dull eye-bags that were forming making me frown in worry.

"Oh I know..Uh I was actually just passing by is all" I lied through my teeth. It sounded solid to me and at the sight of her slight nod with a hum made me relax against the wall I was earlier planning on scaling. Gosh I sound mentally Ill.

"Alright, Well I suppose you don't mind me walking you towards your car?"

Softly chuckling I nodded before pushing myself off the wall and began the peaceful walk towards my car. It wasn't long before we reached the old thing- that needed changing as Willow constantly would remind me about.

Opening the car door I was about to step in until I heard Leah ask me something but I didn't quite catch it so I turned to face her. "Sorry what was that?" I asked cupping a hand over my ear.

"Willow, she's been assigned to my team"

Wow...I was most definitely not expecting that. It was so early! She's only been there a month and a bit, yet she's already up at the elites..I'm so proud of her.

"Oh wow! That's amazing, did she pass the test? Oh I've even heard you got some new technology set up in the test to make it more accurate so how did she do??" I asked like a pestering mother- oh wait I was.

Leah rolled her tongue over her front teeth before looking down to her boots, this made me worry. Was she hurt? Was the main question running through my head on a loop.

"She passed all right..Her fear test is what concerns me" Leah started out before sharply exhaling "Her heart rate when put in the trance spiked so high I was so sure she'd end up stopping her heart from further functioning but she pushed through- our machines we're going crazy! It got to the point where I tried stopping her test but if anything that just made her 'dream' worse! But once I managed to shut the whole thing down she was still alive and breathing" she explained to me every detail making me feel relaxed but so scared.

"She's true blooded.."

Willow (twighlight ff)Where stories live. Discover now