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BELLA'S truck pulled up to the school parking lot gaining a few people to turn their heads and look as the rusty thing was so old and loud, I sighed when Bella finally parked the car knowing i have no other choice but to face the rest of the day "...

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BELLA'S truck pulled up to the school parking lot gaining a few people to turn their heads and look as the rusty thing was so old and loud, I sighed when Bella finally parked the car knowing i have no other choice but to face the rest of the day "Bella I already hate this" I whispered softly towards my cousin who chuckled humoured by my complaining "Come on Weeping Willow there's no need to be scared" She teased with that gosh awful nickname.

Groaning loudly I pushed open the car door before stepping out, I could feel literally everyone's eyes on me as i nervously walked behind Bella's back using her as a makeshift shield "Oh my gosh Bella walk faster!" I whisper yelled but she simply ...

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Groaning loudly I pushed open the car door before stepping out, I could feel literally everyone's eyes on me as i nervously walked behind Bella's back using her as a makeshift shield "Oh my gosh Bella walk faster!" I whisper yelled but she simply ignored me and continued at her slow pace almost as if she was waiting for someone.


The cool and smooth voice sounded from behind us so we both turned to look at the boy who's skin was as pale as the clouds above and his features were sharp don't even get me started on his hair as it simply just looked ridiculous to me. I had to pinch herself to stop the smile overtaking my features, he suddenly looked down at me with an amused smile confusing me but i just shrugged it off.

"Oh you must be Bella's cousin Willow right?, she's told me a lot about you" He sounded like a man from the Victorian times, ugh i can already tell I'll be 3rd wheeling today "Yeah and you are?" My voice barely above a whisper but he still heard and answered me "I'm Edward, Edward Cullen" He offered his hand to shake mine and once our skin collided it sent flashes off that night replaying in my mind as his touch felt the same...cold and dark .

Snatching my hand back to my side my widened eyes stared into his brown almost black ones in pure horror and shock, my heart began beating so fast it was difficult to breath I immediately reached into my pocket and fished out my inhaler before inhaling a puff and soon my frantic breathing calmed to what it once was i felt too embarrassed to look them both in the eye so i kept my gaze down to the floor, as my hand clutched my pounding chest.

"Willow are you okay?!" Bella asked her hands coming to shake my shoulders, i just sent her an uneasy smile before rushing inside deciding I'll have to figure out the school on my own. I couldn't and I wouldn't spend anther minute around Edward Cullen- no he reminded me too much of that night and it caused dread to bleed into my heart as so many theories and questions appeared in my racing track of a mind.

I made a promise to myself that I'll figure out what i saw on that night and I'll prove to my mother that what i saw wasn't just in my head it was real! I know it.

——————-time skip——————————————

"You're cousin- i read her mind she's been in contact with one of my kind." Edward spoke in a low whisper while staring blankly at the place Willow once stood, "w-what? Edward what are you talking about?" bella frantically asked her boyfriend who could only look at her with sadness "It's not my story to tell Bella, ask her about it"

-English class-

"SO you're Bella's cousin right?" A girl with nicely framed glasses asked with a friendly smile, I nodded confirming her question "Yes i am..uh you are?" "Oh I'm Angela! And that over there is my boyfriend Eric and that's Jessica who's talking with Matt! You should totally sit with us at lunch" she beamed happily while looking up to the bord to copy notes every so often. "Yeah I'd like that. So you know Bella?"

"Yeah we befriended her when she was new just like you!"

I only nodded before continuing to listen to the teachers brooding voice which bored me to death but i just sucked it up after all it's better then learning off of my mom.

It was really awkward in the morning as we all sat in silence just small talk between me and Bella before we rushed out the house and left for school.

The bell rang loudly and not soon after students began leaping out their seats and snatching up all their belongings before running out the room ignoring their teachers call's for them to come back. "Before you ask. Yes they are always like that" Angela's spoke with a soft giggle before calmly packing her stuff away.

"So lunch?"

Me and Angela walked down the flooding corridors in a comforting silence until she broke it with her question. My brows furrowed in confusion as i looked down at her as i was slightly taller "What? Don't we have anther period yet?" I asked looking down at my time table, she shook her head "Nope! The receptionist must have accidentally messed your time table up but don't worry i can get you a new one" My heart nearly melted at her kindness she's shown me and I don't even know her!. I felt my own smile take over my frown "Thanks Angela"

"Wooho it's almost Friday!"

The shout slightly startled me as i looked over at a blonde boy stood on top of his seat with a goofy smile, "that's Mike! Don't mind his silly behaviour" Angela said dismissively before she excitedly squealed linking my arm with her's and dragging me over to the table where my Cousin sat.

"Guy's this is Willow! She's new And she's-."

"Bella's cousin we know"

They all sounded with slightly deadpanned features when looking at Angela's happy face. Bella turned to face Me with a hesitant smile "Hey" she greeted moving along the bench so I could sit down which i did since my legs were aching from standing.

"You're the talk off the school" Jessica I'm guessing spoke almost annoyed. "Oh really? I didn't know" Suddenly feeling really awkward i bit into my apple the one Bella gave to me once i sat down. "Not much of a talker i see" She spoke yet again i kinda wish she'd get the hint at the fact I don't want to talk to her- but not in a rude way it's just I'm not comfortable..

"She's just shy Jess" Bella defended her hand comfortingly patting my knee which really didn't do much comforting, "Yeah so are you and you managed to speak at least two sentences" Jessica sassily replied with an eye roll. "Jessica!" Angela snapped sending her a scolding look which Jessica only scoffed at, I sighed sadly just wanting to dig a hole and miserably crawl into it.

"Where's the rest of the Cullen's?" Mike asked nodding his head over to the table where a lone Edward sat just blankly staring at his plate of food. Bella held her stare slightly before looking back to her group "uh apparently Jasper's sick and the rest caught it off of him but Edward wasn't there because we went out that day so he's fine.." Bella sounded as if she was reading off of a script, I immediately noticed her eyes blinking way too much then normal so my only guess was that she's lying .

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