Chapter 3: Live Love Laugh

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Harry's POV: 

Live Love Laugh. That's the sign I was reading on a doormat of the house address I was given. I look at the doorbell and look hesitantly at it before ringing it. I never thought, in my entire life, I'd be meeting with someone who'd be reading me someone's will. My godfather's will. At least, not this soon. Of course, no one aside from our inner circle was aware of his death so this was actually a close friend of Sirius's who would be giving us everything. Snow wasn't outside, so she was likely already in the house. 

I hesitantly knock on the door twice and wait for an answer. After what seemed like 30 seconds, the door suddenly opened. Tonks was at the door and her face put on a warm smile. "Hello, Harry!" She nudges me inside and walks me over to the couch. 

"Where's Snow?" 

Tonks looks at me and puts on a pitiful smile. "She left a while ago. She was in and out. Barely even said hi."  

"Is she ok? I mean-" 

"She'll be fine. She's a tough girl, that one." 

I nodded, but I was extremely worried. I was hoping for this to be an opportunity for us to meet so I could check on her since she hasn't been responding to my owls, but I suppose not. Snow wasn't stupid or weak, I knew that; I'll just wait until she's ready to speak to me again. The entire discussion regarding the will went in one ear and out the other. Thinking about Sirius's death was still so terrible for, that anything regarding that was a blur. I left, holding an envelope in my hand. A letter, and an account with half of his money savings. I'm assuming the other half went to Snow. I look at the doormat one last time before I leave. How ironic that it's the last thing I'm feeling right now. 

I usually don't go back to the Dursleys until 10:00 PM, when I have to go sleep. That's the case today. I go to the park near the house and sit down on one of the swings. The park was empty and eerily quiet for whatever reason. I guess everyone was facing sadness right now. I stood, looking down at the envelope in my hand. I didn't want to open it. Reading Sirus's last words would make his death more real, and I didn't want that to happen. I shake my head to get rid of my anxiety temporarily and rip open the envelope. I stuff the bank id in my pocket and open the letter. 

Dear Harry, 

If you're reading this, then that means something has gone wrong. It means I'm dead. But that's fine. I'm sure, because of your warm, beautiful heart that you would be upset by this. And I promise that wherever I am, I'm just as upset that I won't be able to see you anymore. It was an honour to be able to be by your side for as long as I was. It was an honour to see you grow into the man your parents wanted you to be. Everything I've ever experienced with you was an honor. I want you to know- if you are grieving, do not feel weak. It is ok for you to deal with your emotions, but do not let them get the better of you. I've no idea how old you are when you're reading this.. but it doesn't matter. My words will always remain true.

No matter the arguments we've had, the disagreements, the conflicts, I've always had and always will love you. As I'm writing this, I'm choking up. Just the thought of you being dead hurts me to my core. Wherever you're reading this, I hope it's a happy place. And I know in time you will find your happy place, wherever it is. 

Love, Sirius. 

I put down the letter as the warm tears pool in my eyes. As the tears fall out, I feel pain, but also a sense of relief. I'm sure wherever Sirius is now, he's in his happy place. 

Time for something literally no one asked for. Imma answer random questions about myself no one asked for :)) 

Q: Fav color 

A: Black and Teal 

Aight. Short chapter, but I think it's short and sweet. I took the PSAT for the first time today and it was not too bad surprisingly! 

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