Chapter 23: In the Morning

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I sat in his bed that night. I kept tracing my fingers over the bandage on my shoulder. I swear, it felt like he was still there, touching it. Sleep wasn't even on my mind, I just kept thinking about last night's events.  

I sigh in frustration and get up from bed, walking over to his closet. I'm not even sure why. I just scrummage through it until I see the black hoodie he always used to wear. He would always be stingy on letting me borrow it. I softly laugh at the thought.

The door begins opening and I quickly close the closet and jump into the bed. I made it in the nick of time. When a figure steps in, I sit up and look at the figure. Mattheo pauses for a moment, midstep, before turning on the light switch. "Dumbledore wants everyone in the Great Hall, come on," he said. I nodded and just quickly ruffled my hand through my hair while standing up. He waited for me to reach the door before he began walking to the Great Hall. On our way there, I see the damage that has been done to Hogwarts. There are burn marks, smoke rising from outside, and this was just a warning, and I'm even more afraid of what the real battle will look like. 

"Why didn't you hide yesterday," he suddenly asked. 

"Because my friends would be in danger otherwise," I weakly manage to say. 

"I'm not surprised. Always making risks that would end up getting you killed." 

"I wouldn't have gotten killed. Voldy wants to do that himself. Plus, I can take care of myself," I said a little to harshly. 

"I never said you couldn't. And you don't need to tell me what Voldemort plans to do with you, I'm his son, I know."  

I realize I was a bit insensitive and don't say anything after that. When we finally reach the Great Hall, I see everyone clamoring around, hugging their friends, kissing their girlfriends, checking in with siblings. I don't see my brother or my friends and I try looking around for them. Mattheo catches my gaze and grabs my arm and drags me away. 

"You're brother's over there," he pulled me to a spot and pointed at him, he was talking to Luna Lovegood. 

I was about to go but for some reason, I didn't feel like talking to him right now. In fact, I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. All I wanted to do was cuddle up to Mattheo because he would understand. But I can't do that, that'd be wrong. "Uhm, I think I'll just stand in the back." I look down so he doesn't see my flustered cheeks. 

I only hope he isn't disappointed.  

Sorry for the short chapter! Happy December guys! 

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