Chapter 36: Step 1

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Third Person  POV:  

TW: Traumatic memories 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Harry exclaims. Hearing him curse was rare... and slightly scary. "We are going to rely on Tyler to get Voldemort out of my sister? How do we know he isn't bluffing?"   

"That's the thing," Loren deadpans, beginning to get annoyed with Harry's consistent complaining, "we don't." 

Harry scoffs. "That's real helpful, Loren." 

"I don't care if we rely on Tyler or if we have to run 10,000 experiments, I just need him out of my head, or else he'll find out all our secrets. The only reason I was able to prevent him from seeing in was because of the drugs... they stopped me from thinking clearly so he wouldn't be able to see in. I don't think that's an option anymore though," Snow explains. 

"Why can't we just tell Professor Dumbledore, or McGonogall? Or literally anyone!" Hermione asks, always one to encourage telling adults. 

Mattheo, for once, considered telling a Hogwarts professor. "I mean I agree with Hermione on this one," he agrees, giving a nod of acknowledgment to Hermione. "Dumbledore or McGonogall will know best, will they not?" 

"And what do we do if Tyler finds out we've told them?" Loren questions. 

Snow interjects Loren's reasoning. "I frankly don't give a fuck about Tyler. All he does it throw temper tantrums like a toddler. But I'd still rather not tell the professors, I can't afford them to have a bad view on me," she admits. 

"Snow... it's not your fault," Harry assures. 

"But it is!" She exclaims. "I was too weak to get him out of my head and nothing I did works. If I have to kill myself to get him out of my head and keep you guys safe, then so be it!" 

The room goes silent for a few moments after the outburst. Everyone knows she would do whatever it took to keep her family, friends, and her boyfriend safe. But were any of them willing for their safety at the cost of Snow's life? 

The obvious answer was no, but one life for multiple others? But the golden group wasn't going to back down that easily. 

"Tyler won't do anything sketchy if a professor is there," Ron finally says, breaking the tension. "Dumbledore's out so Professor McGonogall is our only choice. I don't think anyone in their right mind would do something stupid in front of her. And hate to break it to you Snow, but McGonogall already knows about your 'situation,'" he explains. 

Snow sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "Well why didn't you say so before? Let's do this." 

1:00 AM the next day: 

Professor McGonogall looked concerned but still maintained her composure, knowing she would be watching over Snow Potter. 

"Mr.Tyler, any funny business and I-" 

Tyler raises his hands in defeat, slightly quivering at her presence. "Don't worry, Professor." 

Snow is sitting on a chair in the center of the room, feeling slightly judged with everyone in a circle around her. The people around were kept to the bare minimum: Harry Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Tyler, and Professor McGonogall. If the process really is going to be as grueling as Tyler says it will, they need the least amount of people around as possible. 

"So... someone tell me how this is going to go again?" Snow shudders out, clearly not as prepared as she says she is. 

"The Lord feeds on your darkest memories, ones you haven't accepted. The reason he's managed to stay in for so long was because you were vulnerable enough to accept the things he was saying about you. The first step will be living your worst memories and accepting them." 

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