Mini Chapter

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Uploading a mini chapter cause I'm planning to make a long chapter ( 5000 words) and it might take a while,

Idk if it'll be gud but I'll try :) Also happy December 1st! 

I wanted to scream and yell profanities and him. HOW DARE HE? How dare he use his position to get me in trouble! This is a petty way of getting revenge if you ask me!

"Ms.Potter, have a seat here please." She taps the desk in front of her, which faces directly in front of Mattheo Riddle. "Mr.Riddle told me he caught you wandering out after hours around 2 am at the Astronomy Tower, is that correct?"

There was no point in yelling so I just sat down and nodded in defeat. "That behavior is absolutely unacceptable. I'm going to have to give you detention tonight in my classroom-"

"Actually, professor," Mattheo interjects. "I can take care of the detention. I'm aware all professors are extremely busy. Plus, new rules state that prefects in year 6 or above are allowed to give detention to students they catch doing wrong doings. I can take over it." 

I glared at him with all the hate in the world I had at him. He didn't smile or smirk at my response. "Very well Mr.Riddle. Ms.Potter, that will be 20 points off from Gryffindor." I nod slowly before standing up to leave. 

"Snow, I expect you in here at 10:30 pm, October 8th." OH he did NOT! He did not give me detention on MY BIRTHDAY! I couldn't say anything since Mcgonagall was there. I just walked out, slamming the door behind me. I muttered profanities under my breath as I walked back to the Great Hall, sitting down in a fit of rage next to Ginny. 

"What happened." 

"Fucking Mattheo ratted me out for sneaking out at night and now I have stupid detention with him on my birthday!" 

"I didn't know you found me that unbearable sweetheart." I turned around and stood up in a fit. 

"What the fuck is your problem! I made it clear I didn't want to talk and you go out of your way to make my life hell!" 

He just raised his hands as if he were innocent. "Just doing my job. I should mention that you should bring those letters I wrote you? It'd be perfect for a writing assignment I have for you." He sent a wink before walking back to the Slytherin table. He sat next to another boy. When he turned his head around, he had a smirk on his face. It was Tyler. 

He very visibly laughed at my hopeless situation before turning back around. 

Fuck my life. 

OOP. So it's officially December! It is literally 32 degrees here ( 0 degrees celsius) and I'm dyinggggg. But the next chapter ( which might take a while to write) will be about 5000 words and I'll try my best I swear lol. 

Word Count: 494

Feeling Again-Mattheo Riddle;Book 2Where stories live. Discover now