Chapter 11: Hogwarts

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TW: Self Harm, Eating Disordered Behaviors (Binging and low appetite), mood swings due to severe depression + anxiety

Snow's POV:

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with the prefects? I don't mind sitting with my friends

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"Are you sure you don't want to sit with the prefects? I don't mind sitting with my friends." Mattheo was technically supposed to sit in the prefect's lounge, but he said he wanted to sit with me this time around.

"Are you crazy? I literally asked if you're okay with us sitting together." The two of us, along with hundreds of other students, began boarding the train. We immediately went to the back compartment, where the least amount of students would be. "Let's get in here." As the two of us sat across from each other and put our bags away, an announcements began.

A robotic voice came overhead. "Hello fellow Hogwarts students. Please find a seat, we will be departing shortly."

It was silent for a few moments after that, after which the train lurched and began driving past the station and to the outside. I looked outside, trying to think of how to act upon every single movement and word I said. Mattheo could read me like a book. I make one tiny misstep, and he'll know everything. "How was summer?" I asked him.

He sighed and sat up a bit straighter. "Do I really need to answer that?"

"Right, stupid question." I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and tried to sound as natural as possible. "I can't wait for this year. And you're a 7th year. I'm so excited for you!" He nodded and looked outside the window. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and looked at me. "Nothing it's just... I don't know what to do after Hogwarts, and I need to start filling out applications in a month and I have NO idea what to do." I didn't even think that he would feel that way. "I might take an extra year at Hogwarts, it's an option and it'll cut time off for my college, but I seriously have no idea what to do!

"I- I didn't even think of that," I genuinely say. I take the two of his hands in mine to make it easier for us to speak. "D- do you want me to help you think of some options?" I ask.

He shook his head and his hung his head down. "It's ok, I'll figure it out." He suddenly stood up and walked outside of our section. "The cart just rolled by, I'll go get us something."I was about to call him back, but by then, he'd already headed outside. Everything felt ruined. As if I just ruined such a happy and bright mood. I sulked down in my chair, playing around with the sleeves around my wrists. My knees were being held against my chest with my arms while I played around with the sleeves. I hissed in pain when my nails brushed against my wrists. My attempt at being gentle didn't work out too well because I managed to rub my healing scars.

"Snow?" I flinched at the sudden sound of his voice and sat up immediately.

"Shit, I didn't hear you!" He closed the compartment door and handed me one of the snacks he just bought. "Hey, I'm sorry about pushing it earlier, I shouldn't have done that." He shook his head, brushing it off, while taking a huge bite of the cauldron cake. I felt my sleeves getting all soaked up. Fuck. "I'm heading to the restroom, I'll be right back."

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