Chapter 37: Step 2

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Third Person POV:  

Author's Note: Ty for the continued support guys! Interacting w yall in the comments always fuels me lololololol

Snow was still in Harry's arms as she took small sips of water from a glass Mattheo got from her.  She couldn't speak about what happened, and luckily for her, the others understood that. She finally felt stable enough to leave Harry's embrace and wipe her face off. She drank the rest of the glass of water in one big gulp before setting it beside her. 

"Let's do it," she said. 

McGonogall looked at Harry and Mattheo with concern. "I think it would do you good to wait a little while longer," she suggested. 

Snow shook her head. She was adamant. "No. If we stop for too long, we'll lose momentum. Tyler, c'mon." 

Tyler stood up from his corner and stood in front of her. "Voldemort relishes in the pain he's caused others. You've done something similar before, where you couldn't help but be happy with the pain you caused. It felt almost... freeing to you. What we did with you facing your worst memory was weaken the hold Voldemort has on you for the 3rd and final step. We are on step 2 now." He paused, hesitating before continuing. "You will face that moment, except you will be doing it all over again, rather than witnessing it. I guess you will be able to see if you really are as innocent as you hope to be."  

A shiver went up Snow's spine. She could think of many moments in which she hurt people, and she wasn't proud of them. "Do it." 

With a murmur of a few words in German this time, she was shot back in the back of her brain once again. 

"What do you reckon it'll be?" Harry asked. 

Mattheo glanced up at McGonogall, who was looking at the two of them very carefully. "Can't really say it in front of her," he whispered. 

Both Harry and Mattheo had their fair share of ideas. Mattheo believed it would be the time she almost killed Tyler in the bathroom or when she used the Crucio curse on Tyler in the Forbidden Forest. He prayed to god it wouldn't be the memory where she killed a band of death eaters with powers she didn't even know she could wield. It was one that pained even him to ponder about, so he couldn't even begin to imagine the effect it would have on Snow. 

Unfortunately, his worst nightmare came true for Snow when she woke up and found herself outside her dead friend's apartment door. 

No. No no no no no no no! 

Her hands trembled and when she looked down at her arms, she found herself holding the wand. 

"Ok Snow..." she softly spoke to herself. "You're supposed to be rushing inside right now." 

She opened the door and held her wand out in an offensive stance as she jumped in. "Find Sky," she muttered to herself. In her head, she thought that seeing the life leave his eyes wouldn't be as painful as the first time. Yet, when she went into the living room, she found herself falling onto her knees and crying the moment she saw him. 

This will be the last time I can see you, Sky. 

Snow held onto his hands and looked into his eyes. 

"Why are you crying, Snow?" 

She scoffed. "I'm gonna call for help," she forced out, even though she knew he would end up dying anyways. Maybe he would survive in her head, and never leave. 

"The phone's busted," he said, chuckling slightly. 

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" she screamed in agony, almost as if she was the one dying. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of this." 

"Oh please don't gaslight yourself," he jokingly requested. "It's ok. I've done all I could." 

Snow couldn't handle hearing it. She wanted to run out of the door. But instead, she held his hand and looked into his eyes with tears forming in her eyes as she witnessed the most painful moment of her life all over again. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she muttered, as her tears began to roll down her face and ricocheted on Sky's skin. "I should've come sooner." 

"It's not Adalie's fault... or yours" he choked out, as speaking began to become difficult as the door to death began to welcome Sky. "Please don't blame her, tell her I love her."  

"Don't go, please don't go." she cried even harder than before. "You're one of the few people I have left." 

He squeezed her hand with what seemed to be the remaining amount of his energy before releasing his grip. "I'm always with you, I love you. Don't you dare forget that." 

She shook her head and chuckled. "I won't. I love you too." Snow was glad that in her memory, their conversation was longer than his actual final moments. 

And finally, he was gone. Again.  

An indescribable fury built up in Snow's chest. The back of her mind knew this was the point where she would kill the death eaters in the most brutal, humiliating way possible. The other part of her needed to avenge Sky. 


She left the house with the dead death eaters blood on her face, their screams fresh in her mind, and a smile plastered on her face. She no longer felt bad for killing them. 

They deserved it. 

When she woke up, it wasn't with tears down her face, but relief settled on her face. 

Thanks for readings guys!!! 

Merry Christmas in advance. Hopefully I'll be able to do a XMAS update hehe... 

I struggled to decide if she should relive the moment where she used the crucio curse on Tyler in the forbidden forest or the time she tried to kill him... But this was more emotional imo. 

What do u think? 

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