Chapter 5: Meet Up

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TW: Smoking + Alcohol 

Snow's POV: 

"Thanks." I grabbed the small bag. Yes, I know, I'm 16 and doing drugs is illegal and stupid. But what can I say. I have no snarky remarks to say that you're wrong. I am doing something illegal and stupid. I never understood it, but I see what Tyler's obsession with these are now. 


The name makes me flinch, which caused the dealer to go, "You alright, kid?" I cleared my throat and nodded. And began walking back to my apartment. I hate that I'm doing this to myself. I hate that I even let myself try it in the first place. I thought it can't be THAT addicting, can it? Surely people simply do it because they want too. But no. That isn't true. It's a disease. A motherfucking disease that rips your heart inside out but tricks you into thinking it's healing your heart too. Once I'm home and do my thing, I hide everywhere in a concealed spot in case some person pops by. I sit on my couch, reading a book. If I'm being honest, it's not just about the death of Sirius, it's so many other things. Everything I've pushed down up until this point has been coming to the surface. I shook my head to stop the intrusive thoughts and tried to focus back to my book. You know that feeling when you're reading and flipping the pages and you're seeing the words but you aren't comprehending a single thing happening? That's what is happening right now. I was doing the mindless reading until a buzz from my phone took me out of my thoughts. 

We're 5 mins away- Sky 

Shit. I totally forgot Sky and Adalie were coming over and I completely out of it. The apartment was relatively clean, so I just needed to pull myself together. I quickly got my coffee mug off the table and into the sink and I put my book back in its shelf. I rushed into the bathroom and put on some of Ginny's concealer (Yes, I still have it) to cover the disgusting eye bags underneath my eyes. I was washing my hands to get rid of the traces of concealer because Sky would know something's up since I refuse to wear any makeup. I flinch when I heard the doorbell ring. I was chewing on some gum to get rid of any potential smell on my breath and I opened the door in a frenzy. 

At the door, I see Sky's familiar face, a small, dark skinned girl who must be Adalie. 

"Hi!" I greet them, out of breath. The two of them are awkwardly standing there and I realize I'm standing in the way. "Oh- my bad. Come in!" Sky shoots me a weird glance as Adalie and him come inside. The two of them sit on the couch and start looking around. 

"Woah-" Adalie says. She stands up and walks over to the bookshelf. "Are all of these yours?" I nod. 

"Yeah, they are!" 

Sky clears his throat and looks at me. "I'll be heading out for work now. I'll be picking up Adalie at 7. Sound good to both of you?" 

"Sounds good," Adalie's small voice said. I nodded and Sky promptly left. For a moment it was silent, but then Adalie began speaking. 


"Hi," I said back. 

"You're taller than I imagined," she said. I scoffed and sat down next to her. 

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. Can I get you any food or drink?" 

"That'd be nice," she politely said. I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I heard my phone buzz in my pocket and I picked it up. 

Quit the whole 'I'm so happy and not upset act.' She's smarter than you think, she'll figure you out in no time. 

God damn you Sky. 

I returned with a glass of water and a gigantic bowl of fruit that I was planning to just freeze to make smoothies later on. "So... Adalie. I wanna get to know you better." 

"So do I. From what Mattheo said, apparently we'd get along very well." 

I nodded and put on a smile. "I think your brother's right. There's this thing the two of us do sometimes. We tell each other things about ourselves and the goal is to see if the other gets surprised." 

"I doubt any of you win," she claimed.

"And why's that?" 

"Cause I bet you two already know so much about each other." 

I laughed and took a sip of water to stop my laughing. "You'd be correct!" I say. I have no idea what magic powers Adalie has, but talking to her makes all my depressing thoughts take a back seat. 

"So," she begins asking. "What kind of things do you two tell each other?" 

"Well... things like hobbies, interests, guilty pleasures, etc." 

"Oh-" Her face immediately dropped and she put an apple slice in her mouth.

"What's wrong?" 

"Uhm... It's just that I don't have any hobbies or interests to talk about. I never got to experience any. All I'd do is practice spells." 

I didn't know what to say to that. It was more heartbreaking than anything else. "Then let's try! We'll go out today, and whenever we meet up and we can find some things to do." I think thoughtfully for another moment. "Plus, once your start school, it's gonna be a breeze!"

"But what about my magical education-" 

"You have people to teach you that. Mattheo will figure something out. Probably get you a tutor or something." I pause and start gathering everything from the table. Once I put everything away I get back to Adalie. 

"There is one thing I want to be interested in..." 

I raise my eyebrows in interest and sit back next to her to listen. "Reading. It seems nice." I nod and go over to my bookshelf and pick out an age appropriate chapter book I know she'll love. 

"You'll like this one. It's called "The Girl in the Locked Room." It's really good!" She picks up the book from my hand and smiles at it, and then smiles at me. "Keep it. I've read it far too many times anyway." 

"Oh... no I couldn't!" 

"Sure you can!" She opens up to the first page and her eyes immediately glow. The power a book can do. "Look, Adalie, I really do want us to get closer. You're a big part of Mattheo's life, and I want to be part of yours. If you want, that is." 

"Of course I want that. Why else would I be here?" I chuckle at her blatant honesty. "Oh and do tell Sky to stop being so tense around me? I swear, I don't hate him, I'm just getting used to him." 

"Oh, he's just a very nervous bloke, don't mind him." 

An owl hoots from my open window, and I see an owl. I go over and pluck the letter from its talons. 

Dear Snow, 

Hope all's well. We need to meet up. It's urgent. Please don't ignore this. You know I of all people don't care much about certain affairs, and this is really important. I urge you to think hard before ignoring this letter. It's about Adalie... Perhaps we meet at that favorite park of yours at 5 PM tomorrow? 


My mouth opened in shock when I saw who it was from. 

Heyyyy! How are you guys? Hope you all are great! Opinions on this chapter? 

Who do you think sent the letter? 

Opinion on Adalie and Snow's relationship? 

Oh, and the struggle Snow's having :(( 

Feeling Again-Mattheo Riddle;Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora