Chapter 30: Back to you

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Snow's POV: 

 5 AM. I got up and guzzled an entire bottle of water. I was absolutely dehydrated and no amount of water would replace how much I was sweating despite the cold wind blowing outside. I felt all hot and cold on the inside. 

I think I'm starting to hear things. 

"Snow," a muffled voice said in a panicked tone. 

I was going to faint. I'm just hallucinating. There's no way Mattheo is here. 

"Snow?" I heard, this time, the voice said it with more urgency. My mind immediately switched back on and I gathered by wand and backpack and began sprinting outside of the cave. I saw him on the opposite side in my peripheral vision. "Get back here!" I hear. 

I don't listen and try to tune him out as my ever tired legs try to muster up all the energy that they can to run. But all that's going through my mind is the ringing of my ears the panic going through my chest as I run away from the one I betrayed. The footsteps behind me are extremely muffled as the ringing pitch in my ears gets higher and higher. If I looked behind me, that would just slow me down. 

His presence gets closer. And closer. Until we make physical contact. His hand grams my forearm as he quickly pulls back. I squirm away for a second and mange to run away again before being. caught by my shoulders just moments later. He grips both of my shoulders and shoves me against a tree so I don't run off. He looks at me, anger and worry both in his eyes. I try pushing against him, but no matter how much effort I put, I couldn't put in all my strength. All of it was draining, and I couldn't focus. 

"What the fuck, Snow!" He exclaimed as he clutched onto the fabric of my shirt. "Snow?" He suddenly claimed in concern as my knees buckled below me. I began sliding down against the tree. "Hey, stay with me," he pleaded. The feeling of his hand catching me from hitting the ground was the last thing I remembered. 

When I woke up, I was in an empty classroom, leaning against the wall. I knew what happened. I knew why I fainted. And I didn't want to face the consequences. 

I stood up and looked around for any signs of Mattheo, but he wasn't there. 

"Mattheo?" I whisper yelled out quietly. 

I didn't hear him but I felt him come behind me. Shivers went through my spine, knowing the difficult conversation we were going to have. I turn around to see he's already looking at me. 

The walk to his room was bone chilling. My figure remained in front of him, as he stayed behind me, to make sure I wouldn't run away and that he could keep an eye on me. 

Mattheo took a step forward and next to me, and said the password to the portrait. As the portrait slowly opened to form a doorway, I looked up at Mattheo. A stone-cold expression remained on his face as we both stepped inside. So many thoughts were racing through my mind right now. There were so many things I wanted- no, needed to say. And none of the words I needed to speak out wouldn't change the reality of the situation. "Mattheo-" I started, but I couldn't finish as he gently pushed me forward into his room. "Mattheo, please just listen!" I try to plead, but he didn't say anything. I stopped him with a tug on his sleeve and pulled him back slightly. "Please say something," I begged. His face morphed from stone-hard to hurt. His nose twitched and his eyes became glassy. He quickly turned away and wiped his eyes. "I- I can't think of what I can say to make this right, I'm sorry!" I continued desperately, trying to turn him around to face me.

His voice is hoarse and muffled when he finally speaks. "Just sit somewhere," he uttered in a strangled voice, as he shuffles through multiple papers in his desk. I didn't want to argue with him, he deserved to talk about whatever he wanted to. The knot in my chest got tighter and tighter as I sat on the edge of his bed. It creaked underneath me as he pulled out a paper. The knot got tighter, if that was even possible. Any moment know, it would snap. He stuffed the paper in my hands, and as I glanced down at it, my heart dropped, and the knot pulled at it's restraints, begging to go free. I looked up at him, with glassy eyes as tears threatened to spill out of the brims of my eyes.

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