Chapter 35: Reunion

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It takes a while for Harry let go of me in our embrace. 

"I need to breath, Harry," I attempt to joke. He doesn't listen and squeezes even harder. 

"Fuck you," he muttered under his braeth. 

"Gee, are you happy to see me or not?" 

He pulled out of the hug and hit my shoulder. "You don't understand how worried I was." 

I sigh, knowing what I had done will forever leave a scar. "I know, I'm sorry Harry." I turn to the rest of my friends. I bow my head to look down at my feet. The shame was too great. "I'm sorry, truly. All of you. I'll do whatever I can to gain your trust back," I say from the bottom of my heart. It takes a second but soon I'm in the embrace of all my friends. It takes all my energy to hold in my tears. "Thank you..." 

The ROR: 

"I don't know where to begin," I say softly. 

"Take your time," Mattheo said softly. "I have nowhere else to be." 

I sigh and brush a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down. "Last year, when Voldemort entered Harry's head... and mine, Harry successfully managed to get him out. He had the willpower, and strength. I didn't. So he stayed in my head. And no matter how much I yelled at him, no matter how much I wanted him out, he stayed!" I was out of breath as I had explained everything so quickly and so I stopped. He held my hands in between his, and waited patiently, not rushing me. This willed me to continue. "I couldn't risk him reading my thoughts. He would find out about us, among other things. I found numbing myself meant he would only see my warped thoughts. He would see the images of my hugging my dead parents that the drugs allowed me to see... everything but my alive family and friends." 

Mattheo took in a deep breath next to me. He squeezed my hands tighter, as if he needed a lifeline. But he was giving me all the energy I needed. "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't partially because I needed release. I didn't want to think about Sirius, my parents, us, my brother, anyone. I just wanted to be in my little world of the few moments of nothingness the drugs gave. When I realized how fucking selfish I was being, cutting myself made me feel as if I was bringing myself back to reality, and distracting Voldemort from reading my thoughts." I scoffed and put my head on Mattheo's shoulder. "I'm so fucking pathetic." 

"No, you're not. You just got put in a terrible situation that would snap anyone not as strong as you in an instant. I just wish I understood more. Then we wouldn't be here." He ran a hand through my hair with one hand and didn't let go of my hands with his other one. "We'll figure it out. One day at a time." 

I lifted my head up and looked at him. "I just have a question... how will we get him out of my head?" 

Loren's POV: 

"What are these conditions?" 

He scoffed, and gave his sickly stare. "I know you and Mattheo. You, and Snow's pathetic brother and friends are going to do their best to get Voldemort out of her head. Except I know how to get him out, and why he isn't coming out. I'll leave, but only after I get him out." 

This felt wrong. Why would he want Voldemort out? 

"And why would you want Voldemort out of her head? What is in it for you?" 

His smile widened even more. He sat up straighter, and his muscles relaxed. "Getting to see Snow in pain. It won't be a pleasant process." He starting laughing slowly, before it turned into a sick, maniacal laugh that continued to ring throughout the room. "She'll be screaming, crying, maybe even bleeding a little. And it will be a sight to behold. Why the fuck wouldn't I want to be there?" 

It hit me... there was no way out of this. We weren't going to sing Voldemort out. This was going to be an unpleasant, painful, disturbing process. One Tyler knew. He had won again, and I failed to see it coming. Yet, I still tried. "Surely there is another way." 

 "You want the devil out of her? Better be prepared for a fucking exorcism," he crazily spat out. 

I'm back... hehhe

What did you all think of this chapter? 

Predictions for what's next? 

I love you guys, tysm for the patience and supporttttt. If you guys have any requests for upcoming chapters, lmk! I actually tried on this chapter, I swear. Pls comment, I love hearing ur feedbackkk. 

And don't kill me... but there are only gonna be 2 more updates before 2024 cause midterms are in December :((((( 

Also, i know i revealed a lot of surprising things abt snow in act 2 (her knowing dark magic, wordless magic, the insane amount of power she has that are similar to adalie's). What was the most surprising to u? 

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