Chapter 31: Happy Fucking Birthday

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TW: Abuse

When everything started coming back to me, I looked around, and saw I was still in Tyler's room. The only difference: My wand was on the opposite side of the room, my arms and legs were tied together, and Tyler was sitting in a chair in front of me with his infamous smirk. He began speaking before I could fully react. 

"Do you remember that letter Jane wrote? It was supposed to be given to me, yet somehow it mysteriously disappeared. I never got it." His voice became chillingly low and calm.

"Your dumbass probably lost it," I retorted back. I was still feeling slightly groggy. I was also feeling a pit of anxiety in my stomach. Some small part of my brain was still afraid he'd torture me again. 

He harshly pushed my limp body against a wall, causing me to shriek. "Don't play fucking games with me. I know you have that letter. And I know Jane would've wanted me to read it! Give it." I took a shuddering breath to get over my fear and tried standing taller.

"Why today. You were supposed to receive the letter two years ago. Why just now ask me for it? Or accuse me?" I question.

"I wasn't sure until now. So unless you want some more trouble, I suggest you hand it over."

I scoff. "In your fucking dreams Tyler."

He puts on a fake sad face. "Not even on my birthday?"

I scoff and just give him a death glare. He grips my hair and tugs on it harshly, causing me to wince. "I don't want to resort to our old methods. Where. Is. It?" 

I wanted to cry. Scream. Shout. No. He can't do this to me again. Use his messed up made up spells on me. Crucio me. Nothing. But I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. Besides, I'm sure he soundproofed the room. "Go ahead. Do it. I won't tell you where the letter is. And you will never find it. EVER!" 

He shoved the side of my head into the wall. I groaned in pain as I felt a small trickle of blood come down the side of my head. "Last chance." 

"Rot in hell." He scoffed and forced me to stand by pulling my hair.  I felt it pulling at my skull. He pushed me against the cupboard and looked down at me, keeping an iron grip on my hair. He took out his wand and put it to my neck.  

"You sure about that darling?" I refused to stop staring at him. If I were to die, I was going to die with dignity. "Oh but-" he teasingly moved the wand along my jawline in his psychopathic way. "What would be the fun in killing you? The fun's barely begun." I could swear, I see a small tear falling out of one of his eyes as he puts on a smile.  

When my eyes open again, the room is lacking another human's presence. Tyler is gone. I look at the clock on his side table and see it's 6 PM.  I feel a hard throbbing in my head. He must've knocked me unconscious. My hands and legs were still tied, and I was so upset. I had no idea of how I could get out of these ropes. I looked around, for something, ANYTHING, that I could generate enough friction on or was sharp enough to help escape from these ropes. I knew Tyler wasn't dumb enough to leave a knife or any sharp object around the room, and the door was likely locked from the outside somehow. And my wand wasn't anywhere in sight.

 After what felt like hours, Tyler finally came back, holding a knife in his hand. He smiled and came forward, holding the knife out. I tried backing away but he just grabbed my arms and cut off the rope. I stayed still completely confused as he moved to the rope around my feet. Once he finished, he threw my wand at me. I immediately grabbed it and stood up, quickly pointing it at his neck.  

"Give me one reason I shouldn't knock you out right now!" 

He didn't even seem fazed. "Because I have Ginny." 

My heart dropped. Immediately. "No." 

"Oh yes I do. She's down in the Chamber of Secrets. Down where Tom Riddle had her the first time. She was supposed to die there. It'd be horrible if she were to actually meet her demise down there because of you- wouldn't it?" His voice showed fake pity. And it disgusted me. 

"Why. All- all of that just for this?" 

"Well that letter was important to me. I need it Snow. 10PM. Tonight. Chamber of Secrets. Don't bring anyone. Don't tell anyone. Bring the letter. Or Ginny's blood will be on your hands." 

When he stepped away, I just walked out the door. I didn't know how to react at the time. The only thing I knew was that I needed to protect Ginny, at all costs. A plan formulated in my head... 

That night... 

I grabbed my wand and the letter. I was going to give it to him. Not without a fight of course, but if it came down to Ginny and the letter- Ginny would take priority. As I made my way down to the Chamber of Secrets, I remember that time I came here with Harry and Ron when I visited. The Basilisk still haunted my nightmares today. When I arrived, I saw Tyler leaning against the edge of the cave.  

"Where's Ginny?" I asked.

"In the cave." 

"Prove it." 

"Give me the letter first," he demanded.

"Give me proof of life first!" He turned his head toward the inside of the cave. 

"Oi Ginny! Give your pathetic little friend here a cry for help so she knows your fucking breathing." 

I heard slight whimpering, but there was no guarantee it was Ginny. "I need to see her face!" 

"Give the letter, and you'll have all of her!" 

"PROOF OF LIFE. Or you're not getting it." 

He shook his head and sighed. " I wish this went the easy way." 

"FUCK!" I turn around and begin running, my fucking life depended on it. It was like the basilisk, but I knew it wasn't Voldy's.  I had my wand but I wasn't stupid enough to stop and duel the thing. In my panicked mind, my brain was able to comprehend that I should throw some small spells back to hinder the damn thing. I threw hexes at the horrifying monster, which definitely slowed it down, but I was still in danger. After a few minutes, I grew tired. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep running and cast spells over and over again. I knew what Tyler wanted, and that is what I was going to do. My life and Ginny's life depended on it. 

 "FUCKING TYLER! FUCK YOU! I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT! OK? YOU HEAR THAT? I'LL DO WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT!" The horrible monster suddenly stopped and began slithering back into it's horrible little cave.

 Tyler emerged from the cave with a smirk plastered on his face. "Glad we were able to reach an agreement darling. In his hands was Ginny's hair which he had in a fist. I moved forward and smashed the letter in his hand. 

Tyler pushed Ginny too me and I caught her shivering body. 

"Thank you Snow. Your contributions are appreciated." 

I scoffed and began walking out, holding Ginny in my hands. 

"Happy fucking birthday Tyler." 

Sorry for the kinda fast paced chapter. I'm in a MAJOR writer's block rn. 

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