42. You are the one I need - Samira

Start from the beginning

She was standing on a shore, her favorite spot on the coast of Morocco. The sea was burning in yellows and reds of the dusk and from the almost crimson water, two very familiar figures were emerging.


"Yes, cousin. And I have brought someone."

"Dahiru. My love." She wrapped her arms around him and it felt so real.

"You have to look towards the future, my love. You are not like this, angry, vengeful, bitter... The woman I know is always kind and never takes pleasure in other's pain. She always stands for justice."

"Samira, I need you to take care of Mila."

The dream was cut short by a loud thud against the wall.

Freaking Katharina. Even if she didn't like it, it made the most sense to keep Katharina with her, not close to the others where she could hurt Ju, Dasha, or Mila.

As short as it was she couldn't let go of the dream so she decided to drive once again over and this time talk to Mila properly. Mila was not the enemy. Or so she thought until, shortly after she entered the damn house and a shockwave of power hit her.

The first person she saw was Kiril. Getting over herself she even managed to articulate a civilized "we need to talk" before the shockwave came.

Instinctually she followed Kiril and watched full of concern how he hurried over in the middle of that strange power vortex.

"Mila. Stop, please!" said Kiril grabbing her face. Somehow this was affecting him way less than everyone else.

It had been a mistake to approach the source, because unlike him, she could feel the strange magic crashing on her like a taifun on a shore. It took her breath away and made her sink to her knees. Mila had to stop or she was going to faint.

"Samira, what are you doing?" said Kiril frowning. His fangs elongated almost unwillingly.

"Make her stop, or I will," she said and her fingernails became claws. Mila needed to stop because Samira could barely breathe.

Angel stared at her frightened as if he knew that she was taking drastic decisions in her mind.

"She is hurting all of us. She is hurting my baby," growled Samira.

Despite the two alpha powers, Angel also sunk to the floor. There was no good solution to any of it but one thing was clear in her mind: she had to protect her baby.

And there it was again. That conflicted look on Kiril's face when he saw her summoning claws. It looked like he was battling with himself.


A thick ice wall blocked her attack. The damaging power was disappearing slowly. He had frozen the whole damn entrance and now they were fleeing.

The power dissipated slowly and they could breathe again bit by bit.

"Was that why Michael wanted to get rid of her?" asked Samira expressionless.

"I suppose. But please don't tell me you agree with him now," said Angel desperate.

"No, I don't. But I understand where he was coming from," said Samira. She didn't want to but she did. Mila was very dangerous wether she wanted to be or not.

"Where are you going?" asked Angel.

"Away. It's dangerous here. You should come too," she said addressing him and Ju. She had taken a strange liking to that poor girl and Angel was her friend. Her friend that was very important for her future.

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