
859 23 0

Female Main Character x Male Monster (both cis)

I came to Hearthway Hollow not long after my father passed away. An old friend of his offered me a place to stay, and promised the town would be a quiet and safe place for me. I'm not so sure about that, because anywhere there are werewolves there is certain to be some level of danger.

My mother was a werewolf, although I never knew her. She left my dad not long after I was born, and he raised me alone. When I began shifting, there was a lot of struggle between us, a lot of hurt and confusion, and some of it still lingers now. It took us a long time to understand what was happening, but we were able to get a grasp on it. With help from his friend in Hearthway Hollow, I survived my teenage years with minimal trauma, or at least, no more than any anxious kid.

There was a time in my life that I would rip out my hair because the anxiety got to be too much. My dad dealt with it too, but not to the extent he saw me suffer with it. Having an anxiety-riddled werewolf around the house couldn't have been easy for anyone, so taking care of him when he got sick was the easiest choice for me to make. To pay off the medical debt, I had to sell the house and dad's car, a big reason why the move to Hearthway Hollow was necessary. There were only a handful of jobs I could do, and some jobs just sapped the life out of me and made things worse.

My dad's friend, Billy, owns a lot of property in Hearthway Hollow as well as several businesses. He's given me an old cabin that was used for rentals, small, but perfect for my needs. He's also helped me get a job on Hyacinth Farms where I'll be working with animals. I won't have to deal with more than five people during a day, and after working in a kennel for so long, I'm used to animals.

The farm is run by Billy's adopted son Beau and his family, but I'm working under a man named Daisuke. From the moment I set foot on the farm, I felt at peace. The barn wasn't the usual bright red, but a pale lavender color. The property stretched for miles, and included an orchard, pasture for cows, and much more. I was told there was even a buffalo somewhere on the property.

"You must be Aysel." A woman comes out of the barn, followed by the biggest goat I've ever seen. "Hi! It's so great to have you here. I'm Shauna."

I already feel a camaraderie with Shauna. We're both quite plump and big-busted, but her tits look more manageable than mine. Shauna shakes my hand as the big black goat stares at me. "Come with me. I'll show you where to find Daisuke."

I look at the goat, then at Shauna. "I know this might sound silly, but can you see that thing or am I going crazy?"

"What, Remi?" Shauna turns and beams. "I know he looks scary, but there's no reason for you to be afraid of him. He only attacks when needed."

"That still sounds scary," I murmur. We take a path that goes around the farmhouse and towards the back. There's a long barn painted pale yellow, with all sorts of animals wandering about freely. Inside there are stalls for horses, and a massive indoor chicken coop that goes out through the back. Chickens and ducks waddle around carefree.

I hear a loud bang and nearly jump out of my skin. "What was that?"

"Sorry, the farrier is here today putting new shoes on the horses." Shauna points to a stall, where I see a massive clydesdale standing and shaking his head.

"Good boy, Atlas!" A man is rubbing and petting the horse's face. "Just one more to go! Good boy."

The horse snorts and nibbles on the brim of the man's hat.

"Daisuke!" Shauna waves. "When you're done I have your new employee here."

"Almost done," Daisuke calls. "One hoof to go."

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