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Female Werewolf x Male Werewolf

You've been looking for your sister, she had talked about town she wanted to visit, one that you've all heard about since you were little. It was a strange town where werewolves and humans existed together in this strange sort of harmony. You had never believed it, it didn't seem like a very plausible option. Your sister had always made plans to go there and see for herself what the big deal was. Well, you were now seeking the town out to find her.

The town is called Hearthway Hollow and it looks just as corny as the rumors make it sound. Everyone seems so happy? You wander around the town, looking at the brick buildings and gazing into the wide windows. You're taken by the bakery and stare inside, seeing the delicious bread and treats inside. You're almost so swept up in their delicious smell you nearly miss the familiar one.

You turn, sniffing and then you see her, your sister Anna. She's arguing with a man outside a shop and he is well three times her size. He yanks a broom from her hand and she stomps her foot and juts her finger into the shop. She then suddenly stops and she turns, her eyes wide as she stares at you.

You race across the street towards her and swing in her arms as you embrace. She laughs and squeezes tight to you. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She giggles.

"I came for you!" You gasp. "You never came back!"

She sighs and shrugs. "I got kind of stuck here."

"Stuck?" You frown. "In this cheeseball of a town?"

"Anna, who is this?" The large man growls, pointing a stubby finger at you.

You growl at him, grimacing as his scent floods you. He smells familiar and dangerous, something about him just screams trouble.

"Billy, this is my brother," Anna replies. "He must have come looking for me."

Billy gives you a once over and scoffs. "There's more of you?" He snarls.

"I have two more sisters and two more brothers," Anna sighs. "So yes, there is a lot of me!" She rolls her eyes and looks back at you. "Can you wait a few more minutes? I'm nearly done with my shift."

"Nearly?" Billy sneers.

"It's my brother, Billy!" She scoffs up at him. "You can spare me this extra hour, can't you?" Anna huffs.

Billy grumbles and scoffs under his breath. "Fine, but you'll make it up later," he says before he walks back into the shop.

Anna shakes her head then smiles at you. "I'm so glad you're here, I'll be right back out." She gives you another big hug then rushes inside.

You stand outside, looking around and watching the people. You can't help but feel like you stand out a little. You're a little rough around the edges and a lot dirty. You probably could use a bath and a shave.

As you're sitting there, picking at the dirt under your fingers you look up, seeing a girl walk in front of you. She's carrying a heavy grocery bag that breaks when she's just a couple of steps away from you.

"Oh, fucking piece of an ass shitting ballsack!" She grumbles quietly under her breath.

You try to hold back a laugh but fail.

She turns around, glaring at you as you try to cover. "You think this is funny?" She snaps, pointing at her spilled groceries.

"No," you stand up and start helping her gather her things.

She huffs, grumbling under her breath as she squats there over her good. "I knew this would happen when I forgot my usual bags."

You kneel down beside her. "Do you want me to help you take these home?"

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